dio x reader- arranged marriage + HIDE AND SEEK (dark)

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(Your POV)

Today was the day you were to marry Dio Brando, heir of the richest business family in England. You entered the mansion with your short sparkling red dress, and aunt and uncle by your side.

After your parents passed away, all they cared about was the high status and riches that they got to keep from their inheritance.

They didn't care one speck about you, and today was the absolute worst.

You were getting arranged to marry a boy named Dio Brando, from the Joestar family.

You meet his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brando, and your aunt and uncle approached them to have drinks with them, and chat for a while. You see the young blonde boy walk up to you guys, and your whole body dropped.

Despite getting married to him, you've never had one look at the mysterious looking man. He was tall and had dark red ruby eyes, that were brought out by his bright pale skin. His tuxedo was a dark black, and his cologne was a strong masculine smell.

You wanted to burst out in tears, after you come to realize the situation you were in. You quickly excuse yourself and ran up to the 3rd floor of the mansion for some privacy time for yourself.

You go out to the deck and stare at the sky, the stars were shining brightly, and you decide to get a few drinks for yourself.

"Please, I wish to get out of this situation. I'll do anything.." you say pleading to the stars, while you take a sip of your drink.

You hear the deck door close, and loud footsteps approaching you slowly.

"Huh. Who's there?" You say, looking behind you only to be met with the one and only Dio Brando.

"What's wrong, darling? Is being married to I, Dio Brando, that much of a depressing thing" He says arrogantly, as he inspects your body up and down.

You ignore him, and move away. "You know, now that I look closely at you. You're not so bad y/n" he purrs, as he pins you against the deck's railing.

"What are you doing? Get off me, Dio. I don't want anything to do with you if you can tell. So gladly, fuck off." You hiss at him, as he just squeezes your wrist harder. You yelp in pain.

"Frankly, I don't think you have much of a say in this, my dear y/n~ but there is an offer I'll be willing to make with you, if you despise me that badly." He moves closer to your face, making you guys look at each other eye-to-eye.

"What is it?" You ask interested, hoping for a better option.

He laughs. "As I thought so..." He licks his lips and then opens them slightly. "I need you to kill Johnathan Joestar, as you know he is the heir to a competing family and I can't let him get ahead of mine." He instructed, as your soul left your body.

"K-kill... did you say kill..?" You manage to whisper out, as your voice starts breaking down. "No, please! There has to be another way!!!" You cry out, as the man just laughs mockingly.

"So it seems... you're that desperate? It was only a joke, my love. Of course, you will stay by my side and have children with me to be the next successors of the Brando family. You'd think I would actually let lose of you, oh y/n?" He asks, as you try to struggle out of his grip.

"Get off me, DIO." You yell out.

"Did you especially really think I just married some random girl? I chose YOU, y/n, specifically! I had my men follow you, and see the type of women you are." He brushes your hair out of your face, and tries to undress you.
"...and quite frankly, I'm infatuated with you, y/n~"

You start gasping for air in panic, and successfully kick the man off of you.

As you go back into the mansion, you notice everyone's suddenly gone. There were rumors of Dio being powerful, but is this his power? Did he do this.

"Oh! Hiding are we, y/n?!" You run into the mansion, and try to open the door, only to cry when you find out they're locked.

"They always go for the door, don't they?" Dio chuckles, as you see him resting his head in his palm, looking amused as your attempts.

"Shit, no please... no!!" You run upstairs, and push the man away, he just stands there and laughs as you go run in the hallways.

You decided to go hide in the closet nearby, and lock the doors. Your breathing was heavy, and you covered your mouth as you heard footsteps, and saw them behind the door getting closer.

You cry in the inside, hearing Dio's voice nearby. "Y/n... my precious y/n. This game of hide and seek is harmful for our relationship? But, if you like to play, then i'll play your games with you~" he opens the door, and your heart stops. He smiles devilishly as he sees your frail body shaking.

"Found you~" you start scooting back in the corner, in a attempt to stay further away from him, but he instead justs walks step by step closer.

"G-go away, Dio! I don't like you. Leave me alone... please, im begging" you cry out, as he crouches to your level.

"Why are you crying, y/n? Shouldn't I get a prize now?" He asks, as his hand goes closer to the back of your neck.

No... no... you repeat, as he suddenly hits the back of your neck, and you freeze.

Everything goes dark, and you feel yourself closing your eyes and passing out. The last thing you could do, was fall into his arms and hear his deep voice again.

"Don't try to run anymore."



Author's Note: Do you guys like dark chapters, or fluffs better? Honestly, I'm curious.

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