jotaro x reader - call me! daddy

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(Your POV)

You roll your eyes at the Kujo man, who kept insisting that you needed to stop playing around. He glares at you in annoyance, as you stick your tongue out at him and walk away.

You sigh as Kakyoin calls for your name, and stops you to talk for a second.

"You and Jotaro don't seem to get along, do you guys...?" He asks, noticing that the Kujo man was crossing his arms while his hat was creating a shadow over his face.

You sigh in defeat as you look back and stare at Jotaro, while biting your lips, nodding in agreement.

"Nope... not really I guess" you let out as Kakyoin suddenly grabs your hands tightly and brings you to Jotaro in a cheerful manner.

"K-kakyoin..?? What's the meaning of this..!" You asked the red haired man eagerly, as he chuckles at your reaction.

"I have a little game..." he says devilishly as you stare at him in awe. You went along with Kakyoin's idea, and decided to settle things once and for all.

While you two approach Jotaro, he raises an eyebrow up as Kakyoin who SUDDENLY throws you into Jotaro's arms.

Jotaro flinches quickly but grabs onto you as he grunts slightly from the sudden action. You fall into his arms, shocked at what Kakyoin just did. As your head lays against his hard chest, you felt your heart beating faster and faster as if it was going to jump out.

"K...Kakyoin..." Jotaro hisses at the now nervous man who threw his hands up in defeat.

"Jotaro~ nice to meet you too!" He says, putting on a fake smile knowing deep inside that he's scared of what the 6ft tall man was going to do to him for this

Kakyoin then comes and kneels slightly beside you whispering something into your ears, as you blush suddenly in shock.

"Y/n... call him daddy. Trust me." His warm breath tickling your ears. You hesitated but nod slowly at him, while you gather up your courage as you stare at Jotaro.

Jotaro tried reading you, as he didn't know what you guys were up to. His emotionless face, was now visible with a somewhat nervous one which made it more fun to tease him.

"Y/n-" Jotaro starts, as you hug him tighter and opens your lips.


Jotaro freezes as you felt his face going dark. You tremble slightly, as you didn't know why he seemed so silent. What was he going to do to you?! Damn you, Kakyoin...

He suddenly picks you up and quickly throws you over his shoulders without a word.

You widen your eyes at Kakyoin, who just smirks mockingly as all went according to his plan. "Have fun~ y/n" he teases, as you glare daggers at him.

"I'm going to kill you later..." you mumbled quietly to yourself, seeing as Kakyoin just chuckled and crosses his arms proudly.

As Jotaro takes you further away, he throws you against something and pins you against the wall while he whispers something in your ears making your heart stop...

"Call me it again, and I'll punish you." He says darkly in a voice deeper than ever, causing every hair on your body to rise. You decided to play around a bit more, and slightly open your mouth.

"...daddy." You tease once again, as he grips your shirt tighter and slams his lips onto yours.

Your (e/c) eyes widened in shock, as he starts making out with you roughly. You breathe out raspily from how harsh he was, as he continues to entwine his lips onto yours.

Your grip on the male tightened, until you were interrupted by a ring tone. Jotaro grunts angrily, annoyed by the interruption, as he takes the small phone from your pocket and sees who the hell decided to ruin the moment.

His blue eyes scattered over the contact name, as he scrunches his eyebrows with envy filling him.

"Kakyoin Noriaki <3"

He spurs with a sudden jealousy, and breaks the poor phone with his bare hands as he faces you with a sharp glare.

"I don't like it when you disobey me, y/n..." he says darkly, as he stares into your (e/c) eyes while licking the blood off his fingers from the sharp pieces of the now damaged phone.

You gulp quickly, while Jotaro slams an arm to your side, locking you within his range. The shadows of his face start growing darker, and you could see his eyes were overwhelmed with a deep thirst for lust.

"You want daddy......? I'll show you how much of a Daddy I can really be..."




A/N: get you a friend like Kakyoin who gives you some good advice, mmhmm~~

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