Dio x Murderer! Reader - comfort

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(Your POV)

You cry out in agony as you drop weakily to your knees, releasing the bloodied knife from your hold.

"I-I d-didn't mea-" Dio shushes you with his finger, as he holds you in his arms and devilishly pats the back of your head to calm you down. Your breathing was shaky and unstable, so he starts brushing your hair in an attempt to relax you down a bit.

"Yes, y/n, you did... And there's nothing wrong with that, kitten~" he says proudly, as he traces lines on the side of your neck, wondering when he could soon mark the girl.

You cry while shaking in fear, trembling for the poor woman you killed. She did nothing, but out of no where you killed her.. no, did you? You didn't right?? It was all a huge misunderstanding...

"You see how jealousy is such a bad thing y/n? You even killed her for me~ She just begged for my attention, yet you stabbed her out of nowhere... You've caught my eye, and I want to keep you around..." Dio whispers seductively into your ears, as he smirked like the devil to himself.

You shake your head uncontrollably, almost losing consciousness. "N-no, It wasn't me!! It just... my hands slipped!!!!!" You cried out, seeing a fairly amused Dio laughing loudly to himself through your blurry tears.

"Oh! Y/n, you're so cute when you're scared, come here and sit in my arms. Let me comfort you." He says while patting himself. You unconsciously walk towards him, as he holds you in his arms.

What am I doing... he's the bad guy.

As you try to snap yourself out of control, you take the knife and sneakily aim it towards Dio behind his back. As you push back and try to stab into him, he quickly holds you by your wrist, and stops the knife, squeezing so tight that you release it.

You bit your lip, trembling as Dio looks undefeatedly into your eyes.

"Trying to go for me...? You can't murder what's immortal, y/n~" Dio states as he licks his lips, and chokes you.

You cough out harshly for air, holding his hands between your fingers to release yourself but to no avail.

"Tell me y/n, do you think the woman's suffering more? Or you...? Do you perhaps enjoy being choked?" He teases, already in love with his new toy.

You felt everything going dark, and knew you were about to lose consciousness. He releases you and pins you down against the floor, hovering over your body. 

He brings the knife in his hold, and dangles it infront of you, clearly mocking your weak state.

"Oops!" He says as he stabs the dead woman, playing around with your feelings. You shake your head, begging him to stop while he licks your wet tears.

"Why? It is such a bad thing...?? Does it remind you of something, y/n?~" Dio questions jokingly, knowing damn well that he was toying with you.

You yell out screaming in defeat, as Dio carries you and throws you over his shoulders. He brings you over to his bedroom and throws you against the bed.

"Since you caught my attention, I'll give it to you dear y/n~..." He takes his top of and starts making out with you, kissing every spot he could find visible.

You were blushing, while holding onto the man's back. You throw your hands up at him to stop him from going any further, but he holds it and sucks your fingers while staring at you darkly.

He leans down, and you felt him inside of you, as everything started going black. You scream out for help, yet it was futile.

"I'd kill for someone like you y/n, in fact I already did~" he says mockingly, as you realized it was actually him who killed the woman, and he tricked you into thinking it was you.

"Goodnight y/n..." Dio says, as you felt everything going black.

"Sleep well...."




A/N: Thank you to the person who requested this! I hope you like it!

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