Caesar x reader- Vampire/Mate

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(Your POV)

You ran away from home to escape the arranged marriage between you and a selfish prick, who dared to call himself a Prince.

You were now stuck in a deserted forest, and it was late at night. It was awfully cold, and you had no choice but to stay here...

As the moon shines brightly in your eyes, you sigh and drop down to your knees, laying down and shivering.

You tried you best to fall asleep, as you close your eyes and pretend you were still at home in bed. Eventually, exhaustion took over and you finally slept peacefully.

Little did you know... a certain man... no... vampire, was staring at your sleeping body.

As your snores were music to his ears, he came closer to admire your gorgeous face that he's been desperate to see for years.

He slowly moves his fingers to play with your hair, as he tangles the strand between his fingers. He was tempted to kiss you right now, right then, but he knew he had to wait a little bit longer.

"I've missed you, y/n..." he whispers, caressing your soft face, while you were yet in a deep trance.

He carries your body, and brings it into his cabin, making sure he has locked the doors. He gently places you on the bed, and stares at your figure, mesmerized with affection.

He closes his green eyes, as he was reminiscing how he first saw you and waited for you all those years, but you would never notice the poor blonde man.

Sadly enough, the news of your marriage between you and the Prince made him sure of one thing.

That he must take you before it's too late...

His body then stops as he sees some blood dripping down your legs, perhaps from sleeping in the woods. He felt his eyes turning red, and fangs getting sharper as he holds his hand to cover his nose from the pungent yet tempting smell.

What made it worse was the it was y/n's, which made it harder for him to control him self.
He takes a knife, and stabs his hand to control his thirst, as he breathes heavily.

"...y/n, this is what you are making me do for you." He breathes out, from the excruciating pain he held within himself. His fingers go over his heart, and he flinched slightly.

"...but the pain of heartbreak hurts even more." He whispers, forgetting the wound on his arm which healed up quickly.

You, being a deep and heavy sleeper hadn't heard the slightest thing. Caesar got into the bed, and came beside your sleeping form.

He then decides to cuddle the back of your neck neck, as he hugs you tightly from behind... finally amused he has gotten his hands on you.

- - - - -

The next morning, you stretch and yawn feeling energized. That is until... you look around and notice you were in someone's house.

"Morning darling!" Your eyes turn to see a blond man with green eyes, smiling while he had a pink apron on with a pan of eggs in his hands.

"M-morning... um. Who are you exactly?" You ask confused about the stranger who took you in.

"I am yours, call me Caesar-chan!~" he sings sweetly, as he moves lower to your form.

He sways his hands over your hair, as he gently brushes it back to get a better view of you. You stare into the man's eyes, and see them turning red then back to green.

He moves back, and whispers something deeply to himself which you heard it to be... "soon...".

You stare at the man confused, while you just go to eat your breakfast.

As the day gets darker and darker, it was finally night but Caesar was nowhere to be found.

You decided to go back to bed without him, and yawn as you stare at the beautiful full moon outside. You tuck yourself into bed, but then heard a door slowly creaking open...

Wondering if it was the man, you tried to say his name to make sure it was indeed him.

"Caesar...?" You called out, as nobody was revealed at the door.

You turn back to sleep, but was interrupted when a large figure suddenly pinned you down harshly against the bed, making you shut your eyes and wince in pain.

You opened your eyes to see Caesar, but instead with red glowing eyes and blood on his mouth. He looked to have a different aura, than the kind gentle one that he usually has.

No... this one was much darker.

He licks his lips, tempted by your every move as he smiles darkly.

You attempt to get him off you, by kicking him where the sun doesn't shine but he instead held onto your leg and smirked playfully.

"Nice try y/n, but I'll have you know that this is my favorite part...~" he sounded amused, and you stay still. You were confused to what he meant, as you see him going closer to your leg, and then leaving a kiss on it before he bit down slowly.

You cry out in pain, as he wipes your tears with his finger then goes closer to your face. He then leaves a hickey on your sensitive spot, and bites down onto your neck.

As you felt him draining all the blood, he pulls himself away and kisses you on the mouth, entangling your lips with his soft ones.

You felt him smirk while kissing, and he moves back while you both breathe for air.

"What are you doing, Caesar? This isn't like you...!!" You cried out.

He takes his shirt off, and gives you a serious look as his green eyes stare into your (e/c) ones.

"I'm making you mine..."




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