Dio x Reader - Vampire Boyfriend (yandere)

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(Your POV)

Moving into your uncle Joestar's house this month was the best thing that could've ever happened to you. Finally... some alone time away from home, where your parents constantly nagged at you for every little thing.

But here? You felt loved here, you couldn't deny that. And the fact that they did all treated you like family, but there was one problem...

Dio Brando... For the past few days, he's been acting weird, but more confident with flirting with you. As if he has everything into his hands, and nothing to lose. You notice his red eyes, turning into that of a blood craved color. And one time, when you accidentally cut yourself while chopping onions, he licked your finger to "help heal it".

You walk to the living room, and see the 2 boys sitting. Johnathan was reading a book, while Dio was staring into the space, resting his head onto his knuckles.

You walked closer to the boys, and notice Dio's red eyes turning closer to you. He had a malicious smile, and stood up quickly, gesturing you to a seat on the couch.

"Hello y/n~ come sit beside me" Dio says in a seductively tone, causing Johnathan to let out a awkward cough at how open Dio is to flirting.

You notice the aura getting dark, and see Dio biting his lip in anger, glaring at the young Joestar boy for ruining the moment.

You refused Dio's offer and just decided to walk out to the garden instead to get fresh air.

You look at the beautiful garden, taking a nice sniff of the wonderful scent. As you walk down, your heart twirls as you see roses.

You pick a rose, and closed your eyes taking in the smell.

"It's beautiful... isn't it?" A sudden voice made you scream out.
"Dio??" you say in shock. "What're you doing here?" Dio just looks mad, and pins you onto the ground forcefully.

"What do you mean?? What am I doing here??! Why can't you just ever be appreciative, y/n? Do you really hate me that much??" Dio yells out in frustration, squeezing your hand harder as he lets his anger out.

You whimper in pain, "o-ow! That hurts... please stop." You cry out, Dio just squeezes harder, and then slowly lets go.

"I'm sorry y/n, it seems I just got a little angry." He says, in a playful tone, caressing your cheek. You look into his eyes, and it was those same dark eyes, red as the color of blood.

You just nod, and accept his apology. He looks at your red wrist, and acts slightly shocked.

"y/n, may I help fix that. Atleast let me repay you that." Dio pleads, taking your wrist as he gently rubs it in order to comfort you.

You nod as the boy holds your hand, and walks you farther and farther away from the garden and Joestar's house.

You slightly move your wrist back, but his grip seemed to get tighter the more you pull back.

"Dio! Where are you going? The house is there? You can treat me there? Cant you?" You question, as his eyes suddenly goes dark.

"Oh...?" His voice drops to a deeper once, and you look around, noticing that you were far from the house. Too far to call for help.

Your eyes tear up, as he pinned you against a tree.

"Like a cat, you are shivering as if I threw you into water.
What's there to be scared about y/n..?hmmm??" He says, as he takes a piece of your hair and sniffs it.

"Ahh lavender, I always loved lavender dear." He says, pressing your wrists harder against the tree.

"Please Dio... no... if you love me, you won't hurt me. I-I also love you!!" You cry out, trying to beg to him at all costs.

He let out a deep chuckle. "Lying now, are we?" He says, staring down at your weak figure.

Tears were rapidly streaming down your face, as you were losing hope. Dio just comes down and licks them off. Moaning in a sadistic way at each lick.

"I want you to be my queen, and be by my side while I defeat the Joestars and gain more power. I want you to see me eternally win every battle, and become undefeated. I want you to praise me, and have every night spent with you as we be together, forever...
Don't hate me y/n..." Dio says, leaning closer to you.

You tried to break free, but Dio just kisses the side of your neck, then giving it a little lick in your soft spot.

"I promise it will only hurt for a while~" he says, as he stops by your neck leaving you with questions.

What? What will hurt? What is he talkin-

You let out a awfully loud scream, as Dio bit the side of your neck, causing you to be in pain.

He plays with your hair, in an attempt to calm you down, but it hurted too much and you didn't want this.

You dig your fingers into his back muscles as hard as you can, but he seemed unaffected as he just bit harder, allowing you to feel his fangs moving every inch in your neck.

You felt faint from the blood getting sucked out, and felt your hands slowly falling down his back, as he continued to suck harder.

Your eyes were fighting to stay open, and your feet were no longer able to help you stand up.

As you get more dizzier, you fall due to no strength but Dio just holds your body with an arm on your back to support him.

All you could do was let out more tears, as you felt everything slowly spinning and going black.

"Be my Queen, y/n.".

Authors Note: Vampire Dio, because why not? Also, I'm very curious. When did y'all find out about JoJo, and what part are you on?

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