Jotaro x reader - Fight (angst)

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(Your POV)

You were forced to stay over at Jotaro's house, as your Mother and his, were close best friends.

They were going to a vacation overseas, and decided to leave you under the care of Jotaro, as they wanted the 2 of you to get closer and become friends like they were.

It was the first time you were actually going over to his house, and honestly... you were nervous. You begin packing your things, and your Mom sighs as she was getting impatient with how long you were taking.

"Come on y/n! Are you done yet!! My flight leaves soon, and Ms. Kujo is waiting!!" You Mom yells, as you respond back.

"YES MOM! Coming!!" You shout, carrying your things downstairs. Your taxi showed up, and she kisses your cheek as you two part ways.

You got in the taxi, and were on your way to Jotaro's house. You sigh restlessly to yourself, thinking about how awkward it was going to be with the two of you alone.

You knew Jotaro has someone who did not give a shit about anything, and a hella intimidating person. Rumor has it that a bunch of girls were obsessed with him, and he has a club of them.

You finally arrived to Jotaro's house, and knock on the door.

No answer.

You knock again, and decided to knock louder this time. But there was still NO answer. You waited a couple of seconds, and knocked again, until the door suddenly opens and you were pulled inside of the house rapidly.

A pair of hands were over your mouth, and it was dark. You try screaming for the person to let you go, as the hand covers your mouth, and you were unable to breathe.

"Shut up. You're damn annoying!" You freeze as you heard the familiar deep voice. Your eyes slightly look above your head and you were eye-to-eye with Jotaro.

"Jotaro? Why is it dark here?? And what are you doing, scaring me like that!" You whisper harshly, as he removes his hand away from your mouth.

"Tch." He walks away, leaving you with no answer, and you pat the dust off your clothes and head to the living room.

You sat on the couch, and Jotaro sighs, annoyed by your presence as he enters the room.

"It seems I will have to be living with you for a while, what a shitty situation." He groans, as you nevertheless smiled at him.

"Jotaro! Let's try to stay positive here, and have a great time! I mean our moms are gone, and we can perhaps bond like they wanted us to!"
You say cheerfully, as Jotaro grunts in slight shock.

"With you? I'd rather just stay in my room." He tsked, and walks away. You slightly glare at him, and decided to just try your best.

You take a nap on the couch to rest for a while.

Jotaro's POV

What a f*cking shitty situation. Jotaro thought. The fact that he had feelings for you made this even worse for him.

Shit. He mumbled as he breathed out, clenching his fist in uttermost defeat.

He then noticed how quiet it was, and decided to go back into the living room, to see what you were up to.

Jotaro walks in, and was surprised to see your body peacefully asleep so suddenly. He quietly approaches you, and observes your delicate chest rising up slowly and then falling.

Y/n, you make this so hard for me... Jotaro moves a strand of hair away from your face and sits on the couch, waiting for you to wake up.

Your POV

Your eyes fluttered open, while you stretch your hands out with a yawn. You stand up, and stretch your sides, until you saw Jotaro sitting on the couch, eyeing your every move.

"Jotaro! Why?? I mean... What are you doin-...."

"Shut up. You're being loud." He says, clearly annoyed by your sudden burst of questions.

You decided to joke around, to ease him up a bit and make the atmosphere more lighter.

"Jotaro~ don't tell me you waited here, because you watched me sleep!! Am I that irresistible..." you teased the boy, with a confident look glued onto your face.

Your body suddenly tenses up as you noticed Jotaro getting very angry. He slams a fist against the wall, and stands up, making you freeze in fear.

"CAN YOU STOP BEING A FUCKING BRAT, AND OBEY ME FOR ONCE. YOU'RE SUCH A NUISANCE, IM HERE TO RELAX. GEEZ. SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY.." Jotaro yells out angrily, causing you to be shocked at his sudden explosion of anger.

Jotaro was angry and had enough of you. He tried holding back, but he couldn't let himself go any further.


He suddenly freezes as he hears slight soft sniffs, and looks up to see tears rolling down your cheek, noticing that he hurt your feelings.

"O-Okay then!! Sorry for trying to help out" You yelled out nervously and hurt, as you ran out of the room and tried wiping your tears away.

Jotaro freezes as he felt regret overwhelm him. He only said that because he was worried you would find out his true feelings about you. He tilts his hat, and clutches his head in frustration.

Yare yare, he breathes out.

You fall onto your knees in the hallway, and brought your knees closer to your face. Clearly upset at how stiff and rude Jotaro was. You tried you best in trying to get along with him, but he wouldn't budge. Not even a small bit...

You cry some more, as you hug your knees and tuck your head down between them.

You hear loud footsteps approaching you, and you stop crying, knowing he was probably going to say your "crying is annoying" him too.

"Go away." You hiss, as Jotaro kneels down to sit next to your fragile figure. He stayed quiet, as your tears were blurring your vision, while you rested your head on your knees.

You tense up, as you felt him putting his jacket over your delicate body. He puts a hand on your back, tapping it softly, and he sighs out.

"I'm... I... apologize, y/n." He says. Your eyes widened, surprised that he actually said sorry.

"What did you say...?" You question in shock, in disbelief that he actually apologized to you.

"I have feelings for you, y/n. I hate to say it but, I desire you..." Jotaro continues, as you face him with small tears on your face.

You noticed he suddenly blushed when you looked at him, and he averts his eyes away, allowing his hat to cast a shadow which covered his thoughts.

"I..." you started, when you were suddenly pinned on the ground by Jotaro. He kissed you deeply, with such an intense burning passion, while roughly holding your wrists above you. You melted into the kiss, and felt your face getting warmer by the second.

You close your eyes into the kiss, and Jotaro pulls back.

"Is this apology enough, y/n...?" he says, as he gets up and walks away after what he just did to you.

You couldn't help but be somewhat happy. Jotaro had feelings for you? He was just angry, because he actually didn't want you to find out his true affection. He left you in a pool of overflowing thoughts, and it was a lot to take in.

You smile at his "apology".

"Yes, that's good enough Jotaro~"



A/N: Okay! Well that was a bit long, but anyways if you have requests, please comment them in the first chapter and not on the others since I won't be able to keep track. Thanks for reading!!

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