Diavolo x reader- kidnapper (yandere)

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(Your POV)

Where Am I? Why do I feel empty.

"Y/n... these are normal feelings you have. You just lost your memories. Here, have some coffee" your friend Diavolo offered.

"Diavolo, i can't thank you enough. You've been so kind as to take me in, after I lost my memories. I don't know how to thank you." You cry against the pink haired man's chest.

He pats your back, and shushes you. Playing softly with your hair.

"It's nothing, y/n love, just drink up and relax..."

You nod your head, placing your lips on the coffee mug, and then taking a sip.

"How do you feel? Y/n..." Diavolo asks, as he looks you into the eyes.

"Tired..." you breathe out, feeling sleepy against the man's chest.

"Then rest... you just only lost your memories recently. Why don't I help take you to your room, and stay by your side?" He suggests, as he carries you bridle style.

At this point, you couldn't reply, as you felt your world turning dark. This feeeling, it feels familiar.

(At night)

You wake up with a slight headache, and on what looks to be Diavolo's bed.

"You've slept quite a lot, y/n. Want some tea with dinner?" Diavolo asks, as he holds the tray of food. Weakly, you just nod. But you were very suspicious of him.

As he leaves the door, you decided to dump the food out the window, and wait for the man to come back.

As Diavolo came back, he sat by your side and started once again rubbing your back gently.

"How are you feeling?" He asks, looking into your eyes.

"Good!" You say happily. Diavolo freezes, and you stay still. You notice his unexpected reaction. W-was he really drugging me then? Why does he look unhappy with my answer.

Diavolo suddenly pins you into the bed, looking deep into your eyes. "You didn't eat the damn food! Didn't you?" He yells angrily, as he grabs a hold of your wrists.

"Why? So you could drug me? Why do I have a feeling my memories being lost were to do with you???? Should I even trust you..!!" You yell out at him.

His eyes suddenly went dark, and he stayed silent. "So it seems..." his voice came out, a range deeper than usual, frightening you.

"Oh dear, y/n, what should I do with you?" He sings out, caressing your face as you try to kick out of his hold.

You see him take a pill out of his pocket, and he puts it into his mouth, suddenly getting closer to you.

"Stay away from me, Diavolo!" You hissed at the man, but instead your lips were met with his.

His tongue entered your mouth, and played with yours. You felt the pill-like substance get into your mouth, as you accidentally swallow it.

"I'm not sorry... We could be happy together, so don't ruin our happiness. Atleast not yet..." Diavolo says sternly, seeing the girl slowly once again going back to sleep.

He tucked her in bed, and felt an uncomfortable feeling. But decided to leave the room.

You... secretly were still awake. The pill was in the back of your tongue, and you slowly get up from the bed. You notice there were now locks on the window, and so you decide to leave the room and sneak out the front door.

As you tippy toe downstairs, your body was suddenly pushed against a wall. Causing you to yelp in pain.

"Nice try, but perhaps you shouldn't disobey me. I do like to admit, I find it cute when you run away from me, darling." He says, as you felt a tongue slowly licking upwards across your neck. "But don't you think play time stops here...?"

Your eyes met with his, and all you could see was him looking deep into your eyes. As if he liked seeing the fear you had, but also how he could protect you at the same time.

He liked seeing your vulnerability. And that was your weakness. You swing your leg at him, to kick where the sun doesn't shine.

But of course, he catches it and instead pushes your leg against the wall. You sweat nervously, not knowing what to do. But he just admires you, like your his prey and he's feasting upon his first meal.

He hungrily kisses you deeply on your lips, as you somewhat melt from his touches. He then gets mad, and bites your lip harshly, pulling back and looking at you with stern eyes. But there was one thing you failed to notice...

Was that this whole time, when he was kissing you. He injected you with a serum...

"Goodnight y/n..."

-Next Morning-

"Who are you?" You wake up seeing a pink haired man.

"Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Diavolo, and we've been married just recently but unfortunately you forgot your memories after an accident. I hope you didn't forget the love I gave you though? Did you, y/n? You promised you wouldn't." Diavolo says, as he questions you.

Although you can't remember him, you didn't want to ruin your relationship you had with him.

"No, of course I didn't." You reply suddenly. The man comes closer to you, and kisses you deeply.

He pulls back from the kiss, and holds your face in his hands. "You don't understand how glad I am to hear that, y/n... Don't forget, you also promised to grow old with me and have children, and swear yourself only to me" He says, reminding you.

"No... I know. I will be with you forever. I promise..."




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