Chapter 7

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I kept on tossing on the bed with them haunting me.
'Come back here Nhlakanipho!'She shouts looking at me but I didn't want anything to do with her right at this moment
'No leave me alone! Leave me alone Linda'I shout back at her. She's my Pregnant girlfriend but she doesn't trust me.
'Im sorry, I'm sorry Nhlakanipho Ohk?' she says to me
'I love you Linda can't you see that?' I shoot back at her
'I love you too, I'm sorry come back here'She says that following me until I heard the car tires and things weren't totally blank. I looked at the road and there she was;she was covered in blood.
'Lindaaaaaaaaah'I jumped from the bed looking around the room. I sighed trying to calm myself. This has been haunting me for Three years now and it doesn't seem to end. I'm just tired. I looked at the clock and it's 6am. I need to get ready for work. I did my hygiene process before I walked downstairs. Everyone was settled around the table having their breakfast
Me:"Morning"they greeted back and I sat down. My eyes went to Nosi whom was concentrating on her food. There was something about this girl, she's so special and I like her attitude. She's just perfect.
Mrs Mhlongo:"Nhla I was approached by the Sindane family and there's a Ceremony they would like you to attend"
I shook my head looking at her
Me:"I'm not attending any ceremony"
Mrs Mhlongo:"You have to, they are doing it for Linda"
Me:"Mom no!Linda is not here so I don't want anything to do with that family"
Mrs Mhlongo:"The problem is that you're blaming yourself for her death,you have to move on"I stood up
Me:"It's not that easy" I walked away. Everyone thinks it's easy to move on from Linda when these dreams keeps on haunting me every night. I still love her a lot and on the other side;I don't really know what's happening with Nosi. My heart just does its own thing When I see her. All I know is that she's not ready for me, my life is so complicated than it seems.


I didn't know what's wrong with Mvelo. I didn't want to get involved with him anymore but he doesn't want to let me go. My phone rang and my mother's name flashed on the screen. I sighed accepting the call
Mom:"Nomsa what's wrong with you? I've just received a call from Your mother-in-law and she said you want a divorce" I knew Mvelo would run to his mother
Me:"Mom I'm tired of this marriage,I want to go and Study"
Mom:"You're a married woman Nomsa, focus on that"
Me:"Mvelo has impregnated another woman Mama,how am I supposed to feel?"
Mom:"Maybe if you were a wife enough, giving him kids. He wouldn't have impregnated that girl"
Me:"Mom how can you say that?"
Mom:"I love you my child and I'm showing you the way,you can't give up on your marriage because of another woman no"I sighed because there was no use of talking to my mother. She's always behind them.


It seems like this family has a lot of hidden Skeletons. After the thing with Nhla,I made sure that I'll ask Sizwe about it. I made my way to his room and knocked. He welcomed me in
Me:"Hey Sizwe"
Sizwe:"Yebo, such a pleasant surprise huh?"I nod walking over to him
Me:"Well I wanted to ask you about what happened this morning"
Sizwe:"This morning? Where?"
Me:"At the breakfast table,the conversation Sizwe"He is something else this one
Sizwe:"Oh yeah, it's not my place to tell you"I looked at him
Me:"Please do tell Haw mara" he sighed
Sizwe:"Nhla is a broken man beyond everything, he's broken and when he lost his girlfriend is an accident. Things weren't the same anymore,yes he may hide it all but he's been through so much"
I didn't know that guys like Nhlakanipho can be broken. He seems fine to me
Me:"Oh,so the Sindane family members wants a ceremony!" He nods
Sizwe:"Yes but Nhla wants nothing to do with it as you saw this morning. He lost someone he loved wholeheartedly and Linda was pregnant,so he lost his love and his first born baby"I stood up as I walked over to stand next to the window looking outside
Me:"It's must be hard on him"
Sizwe:"Very,he blames himself about their death" i didn't realize that there's something wrong about Nhla
Me:"Thank you, I'm just glad that today you weren't a jerk"
Sizwe: chuckles"Arguing with you makes me happy and please don't ask Nhla about this"I nod making my way out of his room
I made my way to Mapula's ward. Thanks to one of the Mhlongo drivers who was kindly enough to drive me here.
Me:"Hello Mapula"
Mapula:"Hey,how are you doing?"
Me:"Fine,what about you?"
Mapula:"I'm getting there"I nod with a sigh
Mapula:"You're not yourself today Nosi, tell me what's wrong?"
Me:"I.. I'm fine"
Mapula:"Try again"I sighed  looking at her
Me:"There's someone I'm worried about"
Mapula:"What?The mighty Pickpocketing Guru is worried about someone? That's new"
Me: chuckles"It's not a bad thing and stop calling me that"
Mapula:"It's a guy?"I nod looking away "Oh my goodness!That guy you came with yesterday?"
Mapula:"I knew it,I grew up on the streets and I couldn't miss the chemistry between the two of you"
Me:"No marn Mapula! It's just a Worry. There's no Chemistry between us"
Mapula:"If you say so"
After the visit I asked the driver to drive me me to the Dube residence. I climbed out heading to the house. They answered the door in a third knock.
Me:"Good Afternoon"
Bontle:"Good Afternoon my daughter how are you doing?" Bontle was a lovely soul. It was so obvious
Me:"I'm doing fine you?"
Bontle:"I'm doing fine, You're welcome"She welcomed me in. The house was so beautiful and fancy,it was spotless too
Me:"I love this house, you clean it by yourself?"
Bontle:"Yes dear,u don't want a Helper you know sometimes I don't trust them"
Me:"What made you say that?"
Bontle:"After what happened with your father,I was an helper and that's how I fell inlove with your father then we decided to elope"
Me:"You seem young"
Bontle: chuckles"I was dragged by the circumstances to be a maid, your father was my boss"I understand
Me:"Where is he?"
Bontle:"Upstairs but he'll be here soon, luckly he doesn't have any meetings today"
Me:"Cool, you're a lovely woman Ma"She chuckle
Bontle:"Thank you and call me Bontle, I'm still young for that tittle"Her body said it all that she's young and I wonder how old she is.
"Baby didn't y...oh We have a visitor?Or she's moving in"He said with a wide smile. My father is handsome,I would say he's sexy but no-this is my father so it would be so awkward saying that. I understand why all these women were after him
Me:"Uhmm I'm here for a visit"
Mlu:"Oh I thought you were supposed to be moving in though"
Me:"I will,there are things in which I need to sort out"
Mlu:"Ohk,we can bond how about that?"
Me:"It's Cool"
I was humming a song fixing the table for dinner. I spent the whole Afternoon with my father and Bontle;I enjoyed every bit of it. Mrs Mhlongo walked over with a dish placing it in the table. Nhla suddenly made his way in from outside,he just came back from work.
Nhla:"Good Evening, Goodnight"
Mrs Mhlongo:"Nhlakanipho l-"
Nhla:"I'm tired Ma so please"He walked away. I sighed Looking at Mrs Mhlongo
Me:"Let me talk to him"
Mrs Mhlongo:"You don't have to" I shook my head
Me:"It's Ohk Ma, I'll go and talk to him"she nods and I made my way to Nhlakanipho's room. I knocked and I was invited in.
Me:"Uhmm Nipho can I talk to you"He looked at me for a while then he nods
Me:"Look I know what you're going through is bad but you need to talk about it"
Nhla:"Who told you about this?"
Me:"It doesn't matter"I'm not about to snitch Sizwe since he asked me nicely to not ask him. Stubborn Nosi decided otherwise
Me:"It doesn't matter"He has changed. Laying on top of the bed.
Nhla:"Come here"He pat a space for me to join him and I did.
Nhla:"I lost my girlfriend Three years ago and it still haunts me every single night"
Me:"Every night?"
Nhla: sighed:"Yes, sometimes I manage to get through the night but sometimes it's.. it's difficult"
Me:"That's what causes your sleepless nights? The other day I found you in the kitchen it was one of those days?"
Nhla:"Yes"He pulled me to his chest as I lay on top of it listening to his heartbeat
Me:"so bad"
Nhla:"I couldn't sleep,every night the dream haunts me,I don't know it I should really call it a dream or a nightmare"
Me:"You need to see someone,I don't know. They say there are these people Who talk know..." He chuckled softly
Nhla:"I don't need a Shrink Nosibusiso"I nod because I didn't have anything to say
Nhla:"You must ask your friend about the people who raped her"
Nhla:"Just do as I say,ask about their description and I'll handle the rest"I nod
It went quite a while before I looked up to him,he was asleep. I tried to shift but he held me
Nhla:"Please don't leave"I nod getting back to his chest as i closed my eyes.

I opened my eyes and they landed on Nhla. Remembering of what happened yesterday,I found myself smiling. I don't know why but I just found myself doing so. I looked at him,his brushy eyebrows were dark. My eyes travelled to his lips. I could kiss them right now, right here.
Nhla:"Staring is rude Miss"I chuckled softly looking at his eyes
Me:"I wasn't Staring Mr Mhlongo, you're just too handsome" he chuckled
Nhla:"She thinks I'm handsome yaay"I playfully slapped his shoulder
Me:"I didn't say be sarcastic"
Nhla:"Fine"he groaned placing his hand on cheek. That groaned just made something move in me;I swear!
Me:"I must go to my room before something happens"
Me:"Your Mother can just bust into this room without knocking and she'll find me here laying on your chest"I was so small in his arms. He was lifting,that was so evident
Nhla:"She won't do that,but you're welcome to go"I nod getting off his bed. It was so great sleeping on his chest,as much as I don't want to admit it. It was so great!
Me:"I'll be going"I made my way out and I came across with Sizwe,this was so embarrassing and I was so nervous about what he just saw.
Sizwe:"What were you doing in Nhlakanipho's bedroom"I looked at him without uttering any word. What am I going to say now?
Me:"I'm.I.."I started to stutter avoiding his eyes
Sizwe:"Should I repeat myself?What were you doing in there"I stutter throwing my head to the side as I looked back at him. He has his eyes narrowed down at me.

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