Chapter 12

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I finally placed my books on the table in my room. I've just got out of Class,well if you can say that. I sighed taking a seat on the bed as I toss the phone over to me. I had nothing to do right at the moment,my life is boring. My phone rang and Nipho's name flashed on my phone screen,my smile widen When I accepted the call.
Me:"Mr Mhlongo,Njomane"I knew right there that he's smiling. I chuckled softly as I waited for his deep voice to echoe through the sound waves of the phone. Nothing is much more Better than hearing this voice
Nhla:"A man isn't supposed to blush kodwa Wena MaDube,uzongenzisa enye into nje engingafuni ukuyenza"
(But you, you'll make me want to do something which I'm not supposed to do)
Me:"Who said that?That person must be arrested for saying such thing"I say with a beatific smile across my face
Nhla:"Oh Yeah"I almost died,or maybe I died for few seconds. His voice when he said those words was so sexy. I don't know what's happening to me.
Me:"Yes, we're going to see Doctor Kayla right?"As much as it hurts hearing him declaring his endless love for his dead girlfriend I know he needs me.
Nhla:"Yes"Then it went quite. I know he's thinking about what happened yesterday.
Me: sighed"Ohk then,you will fetch me right?"
Nhla:"I don't know,I don't want to risk it"He sighed,I can feel the heat from afar
Me:"You don't have to worry about that,Dad will be at work"
Nhla:"Ohk I'll come by"The conversation wasn't the same. It lacked something so I decided to just end it.
Me:"Yeah, you'll send a text when you're here"I immediately ended the call taking a deep sigh. There was a knock on the door and I looked up to be met by Bontle
Me:"You can come in"She flashed a slight smile walking in
Bontle:"How are you doing?"
Me:"Great you?"
Bontle:"Good,I wanted to talk to you about some important"I looked at her expecting her to continue but she didn't. I cleared my throat Looking back at her
Me:"Cool, what do you want to talk about?"I say to her
Bontle:"Well I'm planning on getting pregnant, I won't be taking the pill anymore"I really don't know why she's telling me this so I just looked at her confused without uttering any word.
Bontle: chuckles"I hope it's not weird,I used to be alone and the house is too quiet so there's no one to talk to in here"She breath in and out once again before she continues"Since you're here I thought I should talk to you, maybe some of the things will create a certain bond between the two of us. I really want to get to know you guys, especially you"I don't know what to say. About what she just said and what she said before this. I want to enjoy my time with my father before everything and now I feel like MaBontle is in a competition. Maybe she feels threatened Because that mind of getting pregnant is because of me-I might be wrong though.
Me:"You're welcome to do whatever you want to do,well I hope I'm not being rude"I say to her and she shakes her head
Bontle:"Cool, Maybe you'll be having a little brother very soon"I sighed Looking at my phone
Me:"Well I'll be a great sister, Uhmm Ma I..I... There's something I need to get down to"I say to her and she slowly stood up
Bontle:"Oh Ohk, Please don't tell your father about this neh?I want it to be a surprise"She warmly said and I nod.
Bontle:"Great"She made her way out and I locked the door behind her. God!
I looked at him with a smile and he returned it before he helped me in the car. He climbed in too and pressed the accelerator. I looked out of the window aiming to say nothing.
"Why are you quiet?"I turned to look at him
Me:"I don't have anything to say"I shrugged my shoulders and he nods while I went back to stare out of the window
Nhla:"After the session we're going somewhere right?"I looked back at him and nod.
Me:"Where are we going?"
Nhla:"Somewhere"I nod looking out of the window once more because he wasn't about to answer me.  I sighed looking at him
Me:"Do you know why my Father and Bontle banganazo iingane?"
(Don't have kids)
Nhla:"Why don't you ask them?"
Me:"I'm afraid to"He chuckled
Nhla:"The whole Gangster lady? What a wow"I frowned
Me:"I'm not a gangster lady"I say to him
Nhla:"You could've fooled me,I know that you're the one who stole Sizwe's wallet and remember the night I caught you with some cash"I rolled my eyes looking away from him
Me:"Whatever,I didn't steal anything and back to Mlu and Bontle"
Nhla:"Now I have to gossip about my best friend to you, that's so unfair"
Me:"Yeah life is unfair,now tell me the reason"
Nhla:"Bontle wasn't ready to get pregnant, she was still studying hence she's still is. Part-time" I nod with understanding
Me:"So now she's ready to give him a child?"
Nhla:"Where did you get that?As far as I know she'll get pregnant after studying which is in a year or so"Maybe my suspicions were right, Bontle feels threatened or something
Nhla:"We're here"He finally said and we climbed out of the car. We made our way to Doctor Kayla's Office where she attends her clients.
Doctor:"Good Afternoon"It's 15:14. I'm sure by 17:00 we'll be done!
Me:"Uhmm I'll be out"Nhla quickly looked down at me.
Me:I shook my head"No I'm...I.. I'll be out waiting for you"I say to him
Nhla:"Please don't leave"I didn't say anything"Please"I nod looking back at Doctor Kayla
Doctor:"We may start"
Me:"That's not funny"We were settled around a couch in a far corner of the pub. We weren't drinking any alcohol,he totally said No to alcohol. We were quickly listening to Jazz which was peaceful and nice, having our Orange Juice while we were engaged in a Conversation
Nhla:"It's funny,I mean your Father is quite a freek"He was telling me about their Varsity life, with my father. At first it was uncomfortable having to talk about my father though I understood because he's thee best friend.
Me:"Whatever, When did you meet?"I was a little bit curious
Nhla:"Varsity,I was doing my first year while he was doing his third year"I nod because that was after everything. My father wasn't a smarty pants;he said that to me few hours ago.
Nhla:"Let's go it's 18:32 and I don't want trouble" I nod standing on my feet


After receiving a call from Mlungisi,I took a quick shower since we'll be going out. One of our friends is in town, having to spend time with Nosi is fun than I've ever expected it to be. I walked down finding my mother fixing the table
Me:"Good Evening Mom, I'm sorry that I won't be able to join you guys for dinner"She threw a smile.
Mom:"It's Ohk, it's been long so I'm not complaining. I'm sure you miss going out"I must as well consider purchasing an apartment.
Me:"I'll see you"I kissed her cheek before I walked out
In few minutes I made my way in the Club and it wasn't that full. I spot them and head over to where they were
Mlu:"Bro, You surely took your time. Entlek these days you're busy"I chuckled as I settled on the seat next to them
Me:"It's Work and other things,but I came to your house muc few days ago"
Vuyo:"You guys are boring the shit out of me right now"I shook my head
Me:"Prodigal friend"He rolled his eyes,this one is crazier and they can get along with Nosi since he can be rude when he wants
Mlu:"Let's have some fun,I need to talk to my daughter when I get home. She came back home late and lucky she found me on the wrong time"I huffed ignoring that statement
Me:"I don't want to drink, I'll be fine with an energy drink"
Vuyo:"Party Popper"


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