I mean x readers in general WILL have a crapsack audience. But nothing drives me more crazy than impatient people. But it appears that Burst has it harder because everyone is so young.
"When will you be done with my request???? ITS BEEN FOREVER!1!1!1"
"Uwu ok nice work but when will mine be done"
"Imma spam you requests until you do them!"
Can you people like, not?? I get that you really want your request to be done, but let's get this straight: THOSE ARE REQUESTS. What are you giving them in return, huh?
That's right, nothing. Or, well, the best you can give them is patience.
I literally dislike readers who keep requesting an x Reader request even though the author told them to wait. Also, spamming requests on a oneshot that isn't about your request. For example, going onto each non-Shu chapter and saying "nice uwu but where is Shu x reader??"
PLEASE DON'T SPAM THAT. If you are going to remind someone once in a while, be respectful and at least compliment their work first. Be nice and say something like "Hey there, I really like this one-shot! it's been a couple weeks now. While I like reading [character] x Reader too, do you still remember the Shu x Reader I asked for awhile ago?"
Also, immature people who HARASS writers until their requests are done. Those writers have the right to block you because of that and you cannot complain.
Other pet peeves that drive me crazy:
Guilt tripping writers, such as crying about your request not being filled and calling them a "bully."
Also, REQUESTING EVEN THOUGH THE WRITER SAYS THEY'RE CLOSED. If you cannot read whether it's closed or open, how can the writer expect you to know how to read an x Reader??
Readers fussing because "this isn't like me at all!" For fucking sakes, other writers and I aren't supposed to make a oneshot revolve around YOU. We don't know EVERY reader on the planet. Don't like Y/N wearing a dress? Fucking write your own.
This is why I do trades and not requests. If someone wants to me to write something, then they write me something in return.
Okay bye.
BeyBurst Rants/Pet Peeves
NezařaditelnéMy take on the Beyblade Burst show plus fandom.