Extra 14

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Point in Time: Simultaneously with Scene 7 of Episode 15...

Conner (V) is standing outside of a destroyed police car. He limps down the road, a trail of blood forming behind him.

V: [Smiles and coughs up blood] [Internally] [Amused] My ribs are broken. It should hurt, but it doesn't for some reason... [Winces] Ugh, it's unpleasant, though. I feel sick... 

V feels himself being teleported to a dark room. The room spins around him, and he doubles over from the pain and nausea. V looks up weakly; Max is standing in front of him with a dark figure watching him with narrowed green eyes.

V: [Internally] Shit.

Max: [Coldly] You failed, V-1.

V: [Nervously] [Kneels down on one knee] Yes, Mr. Astral. I'm aware of that. But sir, I did my-

Max: [Sighs] [Dully] No matter. Nobody else has succeeded in capturing any of those worthless heroes yet. Why should I have hoped that you would do better?

Figure: [Taps his fingers on his face] Especially since you seemed distracted by that Alvaro girl. You enjoyed the taste of her blood, but I'm sure you would have enjoyed the taste of something... more intimate. Am I wrong?

V: [Annoyed] [Crosses her arms] I don't know what you're talking about. [Hopefully] But while we're still on the topic of the others... Since they failed the same way I did, does that mean you're not going to beat the shit out of me.

Max: [Scoffs] Maybe. It depends. [Boredly] Beg. Show us exactly how much you want to avoid punishment.

V: But, I-

Figure: [Coldly] You heard your Master. Beg, child.

V: [Smiles weakly] P-Please...

Max: You really want me to believe that performance?

V: [Begging] [Gets down on his knees] Please, Max. Please don't hurt me.

Max: [Coldly] Better. Keep going.

V: I beg of you...

Figure: I wouldn't believe his performance if I were an idiot. Do it better. Convince us.

V: I... [Angrily] N-No! I'm not your tool, sir! I'm a person! [Stands up angrily] And I'm done with you treating us like this, Matthew!

V covers his mouth, but he knows he can't take his words back. Max freezes and the figure begins to grow. He now towers over Max, shrouding him in unnatural darkness.

V: [Quietly] I'm sorry.

Max: [Furiously] I... I'm not Matthew.

The Figure and Max walk forward in sync. The Figure raises his arms, and Max quickly follows suit.

V: [Quickly] No, I'm sorry, Sir! It just slipped out! I didn't mean it!

Max: [Outraged] Shut that filthy mouth of yours! I'm not Matthew! I am Max Astral, the most powerful being on this planet! I'm the only one that matters! You don't matter!

Max snaps his fingers and V starts writhing and crying out. A new pair of wings grow out of his back and tear through the skin, but they are black and demon-like, not at all like his original bat wings. They splatter blood on the marble floor. The Figure and Max have identical evil smiles as they look down at a now helpless V.

Outside the door, Mackenzie is sitting alone and crying silently to herself.

Mackenzie: [Shaking and hyperventilating] It's okay! This is normal! He'll be okay! Max... We'll all be able to escape him one day! One day, we'll be...

Mackenzie hears screams in the room and she covers her face.

Mackenzie: [Crying out] One day we'll be free! One day! Please, set us free! Just let us die!

Mackenzie curls up on the ground and sobs as the screams continue to ring out through the hallway.

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