Extra 17

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Point in Time: ???

Note: There was a conversation between Max's experiment D and Mr. Bones a while back. You might want to keep that conversation in mind for this part. ;)

Luken is shown sitting alone in a dark kitchen. He's drinking a mug of tea. The floorboards creak below him as he stares out a window and at the full moon outside.

Luken: [Internally] Thousands of years I've been trapped here, and yet the moon still looks the same. [Sighs] It looks the same today, but everything seemed to exist more than most days do. So much happened, and some of it wasn't even in my control. Then again, when is anything in my control, nowadays?

The door to Luken's apartment opens and a man with a cloak walks in breathing heavily.

Luken: [Dully] Oh, it's you. You disappeared so suddenly earlier. For a few minutes, I couldn't even sense your presence.

The man leans against the wall for a moment and catches his breath.

Luken: Are you okay?

Man: [Breathes in sharply] I'm fine. [Walks over to Luken stiffly and sits down] I just need a place to stay for a while.

Luken: [Boredly] [Stirs a spoon in his mug] Well, you came at a great time. I don't have anything going on for a while.

Man: Alright, consider me a nuisance, then. [Pauses] [Thoughtfully] You look troubled. Are you sure nothing's going on?

Luken: [Flatly]  Yes.

Silence; Luken turns away from him and stirs more intensely. The man watches curiously.

Man: Is this about those vigilantes you kidnapped?

Luken: [Stops stirring and turns] How did you know?

Man: [Holds up a phone] Rey posted something on the Internet about it. 

Camera zooms in on the post, which says "I kidnapped two heroes! Lol!".

Luken: [Sighs] I really shouldn't let him touch my stuff. Does he even know what "LOL" means?

Man: Clearly not, but that's not the point. Don't distract me. [Leans in] You looked into their pasts, right?

Luken nods.

Man: [Thoughtfully] [Leans back in his chair] Hmm. Anything important?

Luken: Yes, actually. There was a word. "Cyanocitta." It comes up in both of their pasts often, especially the Jennings girl if I remember correctly. I think it's an organization, though what they'll stand for in the future is still undetermined.

Man: Why am I not surprised that you focused on a word rather than a person or a place?

Luken: [Face turns red] Yeah. I, uh, didn't focus on anyone. People aren't very important.

Man: [Pauses for a moment] What about the pretty girl that Rey has his eyes on? Jennings was her last name, right? You seemed to remember that.

Luken freezes.

Man: [Amused] Oh, so you did focus on someone.

Luken says nothing.

Man: What was it about her that caught your eye? Was it her ideals? Her personality? Oh, did she look like Rosalind? You always used to talk about Rosalind back when you still drank with me. [Dramatically] 'Oh, Rosalind. Why did I have to fall for you?' 'Rosalind is the only reason I'm still alive.' 'Rosalind, I see your violet eyes in my mind every day!'

Luken: [Grits his teeth] Shut up.

Man: Oh, wait. Isn't she sick? Does she remind you of yourself? Is she "empty," too?

Luken: [Angrily] [Throws a mug at the man] Fuck off! Don't talk about her like that!

Man: [Laughs] Wow, you actually responded with violence. This is the most alive you've been in years!

Luken tries to punch the man in the face, but a cracking sound is heard as his fist meets the man's face. Luken grits his teeth and pulls his fist back.

Luken: [Hissing] Ugh. What was that? What's wrong with your-

The man pulls his hood down and his skinless, metal face is exposed. Luken's eyes widen.

Luken: [Quietly] What… what happened?

Man: [Darkly] I died. That's why you couldn't sense me. But only a few seconds after, I was put back together by some unknown force. [Bends his arm experimentally] For some reason, I wasn't brought back correctly. Maybe the organic part of me was already gone or something. It was painful, of course, as painful as feeling your body reform out of white-hot metal could be. But I'm alive.

Luken: [Looks at his face] That's… incredible.

Man: Yes. [Puts a hand on Luken's shoulder and leans in] [Quietly] I'm a new man now, Luken. And I understand how you feel about the girl. I can see it in your face. But I also know that what you desire is out of your grasp. Tell me… what do you see in her future right now?

Luken looks conflicted.

Luken: [Quietly] I see her… with Rey. [Narrows his eyes] Both of them are happy. If Rey is able to find peace of mind, then I'm more than willing to support him.

Man: What about you?

Luken: [Flatly] I don't feel anything. It makes things simpler. And I don’t see myself in the future at all.

Man: So overdramatic, Luken. Of course you can feel things. The more you bottle all of that up, the more it'll hurt you and the ones you love in the future.

Luken: [Annoyed] I don't care about what you say. What do you want? You obviously came here to make an offer of some sort. Don't tell me that you came here to "find a place to stay for a while."

Man: [Smiles] Of course. Quick on the uptake just like always. Yes, I'm here to offer you a deal. I'll get you everything you want, and I'll make sure that Rey is happy. In exchange, I only ask for a place to stay with a friend of mine, one card game every weekend, and your assistance in forming a team of villains, with you as our leader.

Luken: [Thoughtfully] Me… a villain. That isn't much of a sacrifice. But who do you need for this team of yours?

Man: [Smirks] You mean your team? [Laughs evilly] I think I have an idea of who I want recruited first.

Hours later...

Luken is dragging an unconscious Andrew into the apartment. Andrew wakes up and backs away from the man, who's waiting there patiently.

Andrew: [Horrified] Oh, god. It's you.

Man: Greetings, young friend. [Leans in] Listen closely, because the next chapter of your life depends on what you decide right now. [Grins] Let's begin.

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