Extra 13

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Point in time: A few days after the events of Episode 14...

Luken sits in his a cell bed. He's no longer wearing a straightjacket, but his hands are still cuffed behind his back. He is facing the wall and hitting it over and over again with his skull, letting blood on his head drip onto the floor. He watches the blood boredly, as if using it as a way to pass the time.

Luken: [Dully] I'm sure that if I hit the wall hard enough, [Bangs his head again] I'll be able to break through.

Luken bangs his head harder. He becomes dazed by the sudden head trauma, so much so that his eyes slide out of focus and he falls off of the cell bed. He struggles and tries to get up for a few moments before giving up and lying there motionlessly.

Luken: [Dully] Well, that was Plan E. I'll try a couple more tomorrow. It's only a matter of time before I get out of here.

Luken pushes himself towards the edge of the cage with the bars. He looks at the guards watching over him.

Luken: [Politely] Hello, sir-

Guard 1: [Sternly] I don't want to hear it, villain.

Guard 2: We both know that you're responsible for at least four dozen murders and disappearances, not including your massacre of an entire mental hospital's staff and patients. You and your associate "Rey" will be staying here and paying for your actions. And there's no point in trying to charm us. We refuse to let you manipulate us into letting you out.

Luken frowns. He flips around quickly  so that his hands are facing the guards. Luken flashes a light at Guard 1 with his hands in an attempt to blind him. Guard 1 immediately backs up and enters the cell furiously. Guard 1 slams Luken onto the ground, but Luken doesn't retaliate.

Guard 1: Put your fucking lightning hands away, freak! I don't want to hear another word out of you or see any more acts of resistance! I won't hesitate to knock you out if you decide to continue your misconduct!

Luken: [Dully] Sure. [Spits blood in the officer's face] I don't care much anyway. You're wasting your time trying to hurt me. I'll be out soon.

Guard 2: [Enters the cell as well] Why you little-

Guards 1 and 2 freeze. Luken looks confused.

Luken: Um, is this really the only way you can legally punish detainees? It's kind of pathetic.

They stay frozen and Luken backs away. He hears familiar laughter from far away and becomes confused. Rey enters the room through another door and smiles at Luken.

Rey: Luken! I've come to save you! Isn't that cool?

Luken: [Confused] But how-

Rey: [Holds up his orange crystal] I kept this in my back pocket! Nobody even saw it! [Throws a yellow crystal to Luken] Oh, and here! I stole this, too! I knew it would come in handy!

Luken makes his eyes glow and the hand restraints unlock themselves, slowly reverting back to raw, unshaped metal before their eyes.

Luken: [Looks at the guards] What about these guys?

Rey: Oh, I'll take care of them. They hurt you, so they're bad people. They need to be punished for that.

Rey snaps his fingers excitedly and the guards fall to the floor and writhe in agony. Other screams are heard in the other areas of the prison. Luken grins.

Luken: Good job. That should keep them occupied.

Rey: [Grabs Luken's hand] Come on! Let's go before they try to take you away again!

Luken follows Rey past hundreds of people in seizing up on the floor. Luken's smile becomes wider.

Luken: [Internally] Great job, Rey. You've proven yourself useful today.

Rey: [Internally] One step closer to being with Robyn forever! She's going to love me, and I won't ever have to be alone again!

Luken and Rey make it to the front door of the prison and run out into the night, still hearing the wailing in the prison as they disappear.

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