Extra 15

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Point in time: At the same time as the end of Episode 16...

Audio Recording

The audio crackles and cuts out every now and again, but fearful yelps and heavy breathing can be heard through the static.

Elizabeth: [Whispering] Becky? Robyn? Are either of you there? We've been captured! We're going to need backup!

Elizabeth's voice is coming from an ear device on the kitchen table of the warehouse. Nobody is nearby to watch over it.

Elizabeth: [Voice cuts in and out] Guys? Can you hear me?

A shadow appears above the ear device and looms over it. A cold, white hand reaches towards it and lifts it up to his eye level. The figure's yellow-blonde hair hangs over his empty eyes only slightly, and he shambles towards the kitchen to look through the fridge.

Elizabeth: [Panicking] Robyn, that's not very funny! What's going on?! We need help! Everyone is hurt! I don't know what to do! I-

Luken: [Sighs] God, they don't have anything good.

Elizabeth: [Yelling] Robyn!

Luken: [Flinches] So loud. [Into the device] [Dully] Nobody here can save you. You're on your own.

Elizabeth: Robyn, is that you?

Luken crushes the device in his hand and dusts off his hands. He grabs an apple from the fridge gloomily takes a bite out of it. Elizabeth's last hope, as well as the mostly uneaten apple, lie on the floor in pieces as Luken walks out of the room and out the open front door.

This plot line will be continued in the Time Travel arc...

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