Episode 35: Escape From MaxCorp Part 2

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A clock is shown ticking in a room. The clock says 1:02.

The camera zooms outward and adjusts to face the bed, where Vortex is sleeping.

The ticking continues, and gets louder and louder.

Camera shows an upwards view of Vortex, the camera zooms in gradually as the ticking gets louder.

Camera switches to show clock changing to show 1:03.

Camera switches to show Vortex gasping and standing up suddenly.

Vortex: [Horrified] Crap. [Puts on her trench coat] Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap! She left! I told her not to! [Puts on her goggles and runs out the door and down the stairs] I've gotta go right now!

Vortex slides through the kitchen and takes a head of lettuce and a pair of gloves on the counter. Vortex runs out the front door.

Vortex: [Internally] I need to save them! Please… please let me get there in time!

Scene 1

Clara is shown waking up in a cell with Elizabeth, Tesla, and Olivia. She starts hyperventilating and gripping the sides of her head.

Clara: [Breathing hard] [Crying] No! Make it stop! Make it go away!

Tesla: [Pulls Clara's hands away from her head] [Panicking] Clara, it's okay! Calm down-

Clara: [Slaps Tesla and pulls away from her] [Hostile] Get away from me! Stay away or I'll kill you, asshole!

Tesla looks shocked and hurt. Clara's eyes come into focus and she gasps.

Clara: [Shocked] [Puts her hand over her mouth] [Crying] [Hugs Tesla] Oh Tesla, I'm so sorry! I don't know why I did that! And- [Quietly] Tesla, where are we?

Tesla: [Narrows her eyes] We're still in MaxCorp, in the Secret Labs. Nobody except Max and his experiments come in here.

Clara: [Terrified] S-So we're trapped?

Tesla: Well… 

Clara: [Crying again] Tesla, I don't want to die! This was all my fault wasn't it?!

Tesla: [Quickly] What? No! If anything, this was my fault! We wouldn't have even come here if I was able to convince Becky not to! I'm the only one to blame! Don't beat yourself up for this!

Clara hiccups and hugs Tesla tighter.

Clara: [Whispers] What are we going to do, then?

Tesla: I think we're going to have to wait.

Tesla turns her head and sees Elizabeth laughing hysterically in a corner and clinging to Olivia, who is still unconscious.

Camera switches to show Agneta, Alexa, and Mackenzie in a cell. Alexa wakes up and groans.

Alexa: [Puts her hand over her forehead] Ugh. Headache. [Looks around] Where… are we?

Agneta: [Sitting against the cell's wall] [Curled up slightly] [Quietly] [Looking away] I don't know. I think we're still in MaxCorp.

Alexa: [Stands up and walks towards Agneta] Agneta, is something wro-

Agneta: [Shivers] Yeah. [Turns and looks at Alexa with terror on her face] Everything looks wrong.

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