Extra 16

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Point in time: A few hours after the final scene of Episode 20....

Andrew is seen walking slowly through a quiet street on the edge of Maxcago. He props himself up with one hand against the walls that he walks past, leaving red handprints on everything he touches. Night has fallen, so there's nobody in the streets to notice him.

Andrew: [Coughing up blood] [Laughs] So I'm here again. Running away to keep others safe. But this time, [Closes his eyes] I can finally die. I can make the right choice.

Andrew sits down and stares at his chest. The bleeding is heavier than before.

Andrew: It's ironic, isn't it? How the man who gave me eternal life was the one that inevitably killed me. [Laughs dryly again] It's funny. I was like you for a while there. Right, Luken?

Andrew looks up at Luken, who stiffens when he hears his name. Luken is wearing a black hoodie and is standing in the dark, but he steps out as soon as Andrew acknowledges him.

Luken: How did you know I was following you?

Andrew: I may be dying, but I'm not deaf. Although… [Eyes gloss over for a second] [Hand slips off the wall for a second] Everything's getting increasingly blurry.

Luken: I'm sorry about that, Andrew. Also, how did you remember my name? We met a long time ago, long before your memories were taken away.

Andrew: I've been getting my memories back, Luken. Olivia came by today.

Luken: Oh. That would explain why the Alchemist is dead and why you're  covered in blood. [Starts floating in the air] Olivia is a hero now, right?

Andrew: [Sadly] Yeah. Her and her sister joined up to make a team together. It's nice. [Grins] I heard that they've got Eagle on their team, too. That's pretty cool, right?

Luken: Oh, that Olivia. [Casually] I think I accidentally shot her friend once. I don't remember. It might have been another timeline. Or another universe altogether.

Andrew: Huh. That's kind of spooky.

Luken: You're not mad at me? I'm almost certain I tried to kill a couple of them.

Andrew: I'm dying, Luken. Why should I be mad?

Luken walks over to him and gets down on one knee. He puts his hands over Andrew's chest. After a few seconds, the blood and wound on his chest begin to disappear.

Luken: [Boredly] There. You're alive again. You can be angry now.

Andrew: Oh.

Andrew stands up and punches Luken in the face.

Andrew: [Furiously] I wanted to die, you idiot! Why did you do that?!

Luken: [Rubs the side of his face] Because you weren't thinking. You need to live, Andrew. You’re too important.

Andrew: [Covers his face] No, I’m not. Let me die in peace, Luken. Please. Haven't I screwed up enough?

Luken: And Olivia?

Andrew: What about her?

Luken: You told her that you would live. Are you going to be dishonest with her?

Andrew: [Pulls a gun out of his pocket] She would understand. I've stalled for long enough.

Luken: You kept it? The gun from train station?

Andrew: [Darkly] Yeah.


Luken: [Looks thoughtful for a moment] Hm... Alright. Throw away your life. Throw away your gifts. I don't care either whether you want to or not. I’ll always just see you in other timelines anyway. [Sadly] You’re not as interesting in those timelines though. But I guess I’ll make do.

Andrew: Wait… you’re disappointed?

Luken: Oh, is that what that's called? [Thoughtfully] I’ll have to remember that one.

Andrew looks back at the gun in his hand.

Andrew: [Sighs and throws the gun on the ground] No. I won’t die. I can’t leave you behind, you… or Olivia. [Determined] What do you want from me, Luken?

Luken: I’m bringing a group together, a few people that have been judged wrongly by this world. A kid, a man that can’t speak, a man that was torn apart and stitched back together by an incompetent judge, just the usual misfits. And then there’s you, [Points at Andrew] a poor soul that has no idea where he belongs now that the one that kept him here is gone.

Andrew: [Hesitantly] What are they going to do?

Luken: We are going to do what we have to do to survive in this world.

Andrew: [Backs up] I don’t like the sound of that.

Luken: Don’t worry about that, Andrew…

Someone grabs Andrew from behind and covers his mouth. Andrew struggles for a few moments but his movements quickly slow.

Luken: You will join us in the end, Andrew. Because we can’t afford to lose you. With you… 

Andrew’s eyes roll into the back of his head as he passes out.

Luken: [Voice echoes in Andrew's head] We're going to become something wonderful.

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