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"I never want this moment to end," Y/N whispered glancing up at Sweet Pea through a content sigh.

"I wish we could stay here forever," He added stroking her arm gently. "Away from the fued between the North and the South side," His leather jacket was wrapped tightly around his princess as her soft breathes could be felt through his shirt.

"Why the hell is there even a fued anyways?" Y/N questioned not really asking and more saying though the raven-haired man still replied to her.

"Because people are greedy and we're not going to let them get to us," He reassured suddenly his hand on her sides tickling her softly causing giggles and then laughs to escape her lips.

Finally once his tickles became softer she had hoped that he would finally stop so that she could catch her breath. However, he then rolled over so that he was on top of her.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?" She questioned through a loud laugh.

"Showing you that our relationship is stronger than all of this bullshit," He chuckled pushing his lips forcefully to hers.

The kiss lasted longer than expected as after the minutes they kept going back for more, hands entangling each others forms as their bodies were shoved forcefully together.

"I love you," He whispered against her lips through a grin. "I'm in love with you Y/N Y/L/N," And that's when a smile formed across her lips as she pushed her smile onto his; their happiness radiating to one another.

Y/N stared up at the ceiling keeping a sigh between her lips, as her eyes held nothing but sadness. She missed nothing less of her raven-haired man and right now the universe was trying to keep them apart.

She didn't want to be stuck in this room but she was grounded and wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. Although she wanted to text her boyfriend she went against it knowing he was doing homework.

Now she was stuck here, in nothing but the memories she wished could still be reality. This whole week had been trash, grounded and cheer leading practice however that wasn't even the worst part... No Sweet Pea.

Although Y/N had other friends like Betty and Veronica they always seemed to be off doing their own things and then there was-

"Y/N...Y/N get down here!" Her mother called though she could tell by the time of her voice that she was angry about something... Yet her mother was always angry so she became used to it.


"What is this?" Her father questioned laying an envelope in front of her though it was when she opened it that she realized what it held...

Yet there were no pictures of Sweet Pea, there was indeed evidence of her being in the South side... Some after her curfew.

"Explain this to us-"

"Who sent you these?" She questioned her voice shaking as her fear grew.

"Why does it matter just answer the question!" Her mother had been the one who spoke up both their gazes on their daughter awaiting an answer.

But it mattered to Y/N this meant someone was targeting her... And actively trying to expose her relationship with Sweet Pea or maybe just expose her affection for the South side she didn't know which.

"Well I was giving my friend her notebook she lives on the edge if the North side," She lied though it didn't end up going too well.

"And this is the reason you're grounded," Her father sighed, never meeting her eyes. "You could have just told us we would have been glad to drive you too her house and you drop it off,"

"Yeah this won't ever happen again," She mumbled through a groan. "I've learned my lesson-"

"Not so fast young lady!" Her mother placed a firm hand on her shoulder pulling her backwards. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I'm sorry-"

"You're grounded for another week,"


"Y/N you know not to argue," Her father sighed placing a hand on her shoulder and leading her in the right direction. "Just go to your room and finish your homework,"

And that's when she made it into her room expecting to see Sweet Pea on her bed but alas she found nothing less of sheets. It was going to be a hard to week that was for sure.

Until days later when they found a way to get out of everything... A loophole you would say. Y/N couldn't get out of the house unless she got a job, and Sweet Pea couldn't be seen with her. But if she was simply a waitress waiting on a customer it was genius.

"Wow Sweet Pea you never do leave this place," Pop laughed as he whipped off the counter. "Does that mean we have good food,"

"Why of course our establishment has good food," Veronica laughed coming over to Sweet Peas table. "How are you Sweet Pea?"

"I'm just waiting on my- well there it is," The serpent laughed as Y/N set the burger down in front of him.

"Enjoy," She smiled their eyes locking, and they didn't dare look away for what felt like hours yet was only a few seconds as Veronica quickly broke Y/N's trance.

"Go home Y/N I can finish up here," Veronica reassured through a warm smile.

"Are you sure I-"

"Of course I am you deserve a break," Out of the corner of her eye Y/N saw Sweet Pea as she quickly plastered on her own smile as well.

"Thanks V... See you tomorrow,"

"See you then," That's when Y/N left never seeing Sweet Pea the rest of the night.

Until days later…

"We're so smart," Y/N laughed from inside her closet with Sweet Pea. "Now we can hang out here and Pops,"

"Yeah... All thanks to you," The serpent laughed wrapping her in his arms and he was going to kiss her but then suddenly they heard the door open and everything went quiet.

"Fuck," Y/N whispered more to herself burrowing deeper into the closet though that wouldn't do much to help.

The couple finally began to freak out as they knew that something was going to happen at this moment. This might actually be the time that they get caught, probably by one of Y/N's parents no doubt.

They knew that this was bound to happen but yet they didn't want it to happen so soon and wished that they could stop it. However, there was no stopping fate and what it had in store for them.

They also had no way of predicting the future for their fate. They were just a couple blind to what was bound to happen.

Everything flashed before their eyes as Sweet Pea chose to hug his girlfriend tighter knowing fully well that he didn't want to be separated from her just yet.

And that was when the closet door flew open and there stood a shadow in the darkness, looking directly at them in the bottom of the closet.

And that was when the person began to speak.

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now