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"I don't know what in the hell we're supposed to do now!" Sweet Pea sighed though this time he was the one sitting on the couch with his head in his hands Y/N now pacing the place in front of him.

"No... No... No everything was finally working out- We were happy," She cried sinking down onto her knees in front of them. "Why the hell does this have to happen now,"

"Because the universe hates us," He whispered with such venom in his voice it scared her. "Obviously the universe doesn't think that were meant to be,"

"Don't say that..."

"It's true!" He exclaimed standing up from the couch. "Why else would this happen at a time like... Now,"

"You know Pea bad things do happen- I'm sure that we can figure this out hell we figured out a way to get this far," Y/N tried to reassure though the cold hard features of her boyfriend didn't change.

"No other place wants southside scum like me," He mumbled through a sigh. "I don't think we're going to get too far,"

"No Sweet Pea don't say that it's-"

"The truth? Y/N what the hell are we supposed to do because I'm out of ideas and honestly this is the last thing the should have happened,"

"I don't know alright? There are you happy? I can't go to your boss and demand that you get your job back- I can't fix this,"

"I know neither can I-"

"Exactly that's why it's doing you no good trying to solve something that you simply can't solve- We have to look at this another way and figure out something else... I know we can do it,"


"Sweets I know we can do this," She whispered getting up and placing her arms around his neck fingers playing with the nips of his neck. "I know we can figure out another way we always do,"

"I know..." He whispered never meeting her gaze. "Thanks for knocking some sense into me- I guess I shouldn't have let the anger take over,"

"It's alright... For now, we'll work on finding you another job and I'll take more shifts at Pop's and I'm sure that..." Though she never finished her sentence surely deep in thought as an idea struck her by surprise. "Holy fuck that's it! You can work at Pop's!"

"Really? I mean are you sure he'll hire me..."

"No, but it doesn't hurt to try- Hell yeah we might be working together!" She cheered through the widest grin he had ever seen and that just made his heart pump a mile a minute, love filling his eyes.

"I don't know I think my love for you will distract me," He sighed fingers brushing against her chin causing her to stare deeply into his eyes. "How the hell am I supposed to work if all I see is-" Although before the raven-haired man finished she pushed her lips forcefully to his causing him to gasp with delight.

"I love you too Sweet Pea... I told you we would figure this out I'm pretty sure this plan will work because I'm a genius," She laughed through a wide grin.

"Yeah... You're a genius," And that's when their lips locked once again, shielding their mind from the thoughts of the world around them.

School being boring was an understatement... School was literal hell. Sure Jughead, Betty, and Veronica along with all of the other serpents had been good at keeping their secret about Y/N and Sweet Pea... It was harder for the couple to hide their feelings for one another during the seven hours they were trapped.

Everyone was oblivious to it and it honestly made Y/N laugh at how they couldn't tell... Thought it was a good thing don't get her wrong it was very amusing as well. Well, that was until one fateful day.

Sweet Pea had been working at Pop's for a couple of months now. Their income was steady and they were happily still living together. Spending cold nights snuggling and studying. Every Friday night would be their scary movie night, things were the best that they had ever been...

And it was only a matter of time before it went wrong.

Though the funny part of it all was that it didn't happen at school, it happened at Pops. At their place of work when Y/N was only trying to be a good waitress to her "friends"... Though she knew that Cheryl and her goons weren't really her friends of course... They never really were. Soon they would be the worst thing to ever happen to her, ruining her chance at being a cheerleader and simply doing the one thing that she loved that her mom had forced her to do for all of those long years.

"Y/N! Don't tell us that you're our waitress!" Cheryl exclaimed happily flicking her hair behind her shoulder.

Y/N nodded through a smile pulling out her note pad. "What can I get you guys?" She questioned putting all of her weight on one leg.

This was the last thing she wanted to happen, now her and Sweet Pea couldn't mess around in the back... Cheryl always did find a way to be difficult even if it was to someone she seemed to be friends with.

"We're that we didn't get him as a waiter... God knows what that southside slum would do to our food,"

"Sweet Pea? Actually he's really nice he's been working here for a couple of months now I'm sure he wouldn't-"

"Y/N? Defending a Southsider? Man, I thought I'd never see the day," Cheryl laughed as if it were a joke though Y/N wasn't joking she ignored it and pulled out her pen.

"What can I get you ladies today?"

"We'll all have strawberry milkshakes and a basket of fries and onion rings... Though make it fast or we'll be late for the party... Y/N are you going?"

"No I have to work," She lied trying to get away from them bitches as fast as possible. "Your order will be out soon,"

"Good were starving," Cheryl sighed as Y/N quickly went and put their order in... Though this didn't stop Sweet Pea from messing around with her.

He tossed a rag at her as she quickly caught it through a laugh tossing it back only to hit him in the face. "Sorry," She laughed as he sighed through a grin.

"You make two milkshakes and I'll make two and we'll see who's faster?" He questioned through a grin... He tried to pull this kind of stuff all the time and she kinda loved it.

"But Sweet Pea Cheryl is here-"

"So what... She won't know anything," And that's how their competition began.

Their giggles and laughs filled the room as everything was perfect. Though everything perfect always comes to the end as Cheryl made it obvious she didn't like their little fun. She knocked the pepper off the table spilling it everywhere, glass shattering and causing a mess.

"It's going to be a long night," Y/N sighed grabbing a rag as Sweet Pea made sure to give the redhead his famous bitch face.

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now