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"Y/N?" A tiny voice questioned crawling into the dark closet with them. "Y/N mowms mad,"

"What is it this time?" Her sister asked through a sigh pulling the young girl in her lap.

"Sweewts is here?" The younger ng girl questioned staring at him through the darkness. "Sweewts!"

"Shhh you have to keep it down remember?" Y/N questioned her younger sister as she sat in Sweet Pea's arms.

"Riwght," The young girl sighed never meeting their eyes. "Yowu babysite me now?"

"Oh fuck- I mean duck! I forgot about that..." Y/N sighed running a hand down her face. "Of course mom had her meeting and dad's on a business trip,"

"Me hungry," The young girl cried glancing up at Sweet Pea. "Sweets make yowur pizza!"


"No he can't leave this room... This won't end up like last time,"

"Pleaseeeee," Her sister pleading tugging against the sleeve of her younger sisters shirt. "I newd food!"

"Come on Y/N what's the worst that could happen?" Sweet Pea questioned through a smirk. "This is the one time that we can't get caught,"

"Alright... Alright fine but no-"

"Yesssss come on Sweets come on! Me help you!" She exclaimed pulling him out of the room and down the stairs toward the kitchen.

Though Y/N stayed behind, trying to process everything that has happened to her in the past months. She didn't want Sweet Pea to get caught here, and she knew that it wouldn't happen and yet she still felt that something would go wrong because something always goes wrong.

Once Y/N found her way to the kitchen she leaned against the doorway watching as they layered toppings on the pizza. Though her sister kept eating all of the toppings as Sweet Pea turned away to preheat the oven.

"Y/S/N!" She scolded through a laugh as her sister was caught red handed with pepperoni filling her mouth. "We're not going to have any for the pizza!"

"But it's so good... I downt know how sweets does it!"

"I didn't make the pepperoni," He explained through a chuckle. "Though I don't want to brag I think my pizza is pretty good,"

"Your pizza is trash!" Y/N exclaimed through a giggle. "Mines the best!"

"Oh really? Well how about we test that theory-"

"How?" She questioned placing her hands on her hips through a smirk.

"We each make a pizza and have Y/S/N try it," He explained through a smirk. "So you better start cooking because I'm almost done,"

"You jerk!" She exclaimed, slapping him across the shoulder. "You're so dead... I will have no mercy on you,"

"Oh really?" He questioned through a smirk. "We'll see about that,"

"Ha! I'm going to win yours is on fire!" Y/N laughed as she chopped ham. "Wait... FIRE!" Suddenly she was frantically opening the oven only to get bombarded by smoke as Sweet Pea quickly came to her rescue with the fire extinguisher.

"What the he-heck are we going to do now?" The raven haired man questioned his chest heaving up and down.

"I don't know," Y/N mumbled through a sigh opening the window. "I was totally going to beat you though,"

"Fuck no you didn't," He laughed not even caring at Y/S/N was sitting there. "I fucking crushed you,"

"Sure you did," Y/N scoffed crossing her arms. "Now you've caused this mess... How the hell are we supposed to clean it up?"

"You order a pizza and I'll clean this up-"

"PIZZA!" Y/S/N exclaimed dashing around the island through giggles. "WE GETS PIZZA!"

"Oh lord this day get's better and better," Y/N whispered through a sigh as she pulled out her phone to order a pizza.

Then forty minutes later the mess was clean and they were in the kitchen chomping down on some pizza. And boy was the pizza worth the wait and the trouble.

"Cheesy," Y/S/N laughed as the cheese strung out as she took another giant bite. "BEST PIZZA EVER!"

"Yeah it's almost as good as mine," Y/N laughed through a smirk punching Sweet Pea across the arm. "At least we cleaned-" Suddenly before she could get out the rest of her words the front door could be heard as they knew one thing and one thing only.

Someone was home.

"How was your meeting?" Y/N questioned her mother as she walked into the kitchen, Sweet Pea hidden behind the island on the other side of where her mother was standing.

"Good, thanks for watching Y/S/N," She sighed placing her purse on the table and running a hand down her face. "I'm going to bed... Thanks for buying pizza,"

"No problem," Y/N mumbled through a small smile. "Me and Y/S/N had a great time here alone,"

"Yeah we buwrnt pizza anwd then had two get a new one!" Her younger sister exclaimed as she was lifted into her mothers arms.

"It's bed time kiddo," The mother laughed through a sigh turning toward her daughter. "Goodnight Y/N,"

"Goodnight," The daughter smiled her nervousness getting the best of her once her mother turned away...

"That was a close one," She sighed helping Sweet Pea up. "Let's just get you out of here,"

"Yeah," He mumbled kissing her sweetly. "I told you we wouldn't get caught,"

"You were right," She sighed as quickly they made way toward the front door through Sweet Pea pulled her back wrapping her safely back into his arms causing her to melt into her boyfriend missing his touch already... Even though he hadn't even left yet.

Y/N was more than just thankful to have spend the night with Sweet Pea, he was an amazing man in Y/S/N life... And she couldn't help yet love the fact of how much she chose to adore him. He was the perfect father figure for when their father wasn't around.

Though Y/N wanted the best for them and knew that Y/S/N really adored him she just coulnd't help feel that it was wrong. She couldn't let her sister get involved in this mess, in her love life that simply couldn't be.

The worst part was that she knew it couldn't be, she knew that they could never be happy together knowing that they would get caught one day.

"Y/S/N adores you," Y/N laughed hugging her boyfriend goodbye. "I can't wait for her to see you again,"

"I know everyone seems to adore me," He mumbled through a smirk as Y/N only sighed glancing at Sweet Pea like he had two heads. "Sureeee,"

"Bye," Y/N whispered through a sigh as they finally were right next to the doorway. "See you tomorrow,"

"See you then," He reassured through a smirk. "And hopefully soon we can rematch on our pizza skills,"

"Yeah soon... I'll finally be able to beat you," She laughed through a grin. "I can't wait,"

Although right, as Y/N went to go turn the front door handle the handle, it began to move the door opening revealing Y/N's father standing on the front porch. 

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now