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Quickly Y/N shoved Sweet Pea him diving away and behind the front wall, as she turned toward her father through wide eyes. Though Y/N wanted to keep a straight face she simply couldn't at this moment as everything seemed to be going wrong.

"What are you doing?" Her father questioned looking her up and down through a chuckle. "Ok spill what's going on-"

"Nothing... I was just... Just trying not to be late at finishing my homework... It's due in an hour!" Y/N exclaimed running by. "I heard you and I thought that you were the mail I've been waiting for," Y/N lied right through her teeth and for once it didn't feel bad at all... Right now she was more comfortable with lying than she's ever been and she simply hated that feeling.

"Alright..." He whispered through a sigh and a chuckle. "The last thing I want is for you to be sneaking out,"

"Of course not... I don't even have any plans ever anyways," She reassured me through a small grin. "After all, I'm grounded for a reason," Once her father finally walked up the stairs instead of into the living room thank the lord.

Although once Y/N made way into the living room, Sweet Pea was nowhere to be seen. He was gone. "Sweets?" She questioned in a low voice not able to call him any louder in the chances of getting caught.

"Sweets where are you?" She began to walk deeper into the living room then down the hallway leading to the kitchen. And right as she almost entered the kitchen the closet door burst open scaring the living shit out of her.

After that Y/N was surprised she hadn't peed her pants, as a gasp escaped her lips... Thankfully not a scream.

"Got ya," Sweet Pea laughed kissing the top of her head and wrapping her in a hug. "I'll go out the backdoor now..."

"Yeah go before something else goes wrong," Y/N sighed as he walked far enough to where their hands were barely touching arms outstretched and then finally their fingers broke contact with one another.

And that's when everything slowly became back to how they usually were. Y/N alone in her room doing nothing but reading the saddest of books wishing that her and Sweet Peas love story could be the same- However alas it didn't seem like it could be... After all, this wasn't a story... Their life was even interesting enough to become a story.

"Best day ever," Y/N mumbled snuggling into Sweet Pea's embrace. "Of course the perfect time to be together is during the parade... Everyone will think that we were there somewhere,"

"Yeah... And now it's just you and I," He whispered leaning down closer to her face. "You and I,"

"What are we going to do with this free time we have together?" Y/N questioned through a smirk playing with the nips of his neck something that he always loved even if she did it so often.

"Whatever you want to do... Whatever you want to do," He murmured fingers brushing across her cheek. "As long as I'm with you I'm fine with whatever... As long as I'm with you," And that's how their lips gradually locked under the orange and yellows of the sunset before them.

It was a perfect moment in time, and this time it wouldn't become ruined... It couldn't be ruined and that was the best part of it all. That was the most reassuring part of all of this madness they like to call life.

"We forgot to set an alarm!" Y/N exclaimed jolting up from on top of Sweet Pea only to hit her head on the top of the car. "Get up!"

"What... What time is it?" He questioned confused rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

"It's fucking midnight Pea... Oh my god I'm two hours past curfew what am I-" And that's when Y/N stopped seeing no missing texts or calls from her parents...

"What is it?" He questioned staring at her through wide eyes.

"Will you please drive me home?" She questioned through a sigh.

"Yeah," He reassured running a hand through his hair to tame it as the car became silent.

"Bye," Y/N murmurs through a sigh. "Wish me luck-"

"I will," He laughed kissing her forcefully.

Next thing Y/N knew she was in her house, her parents nowhere to be seen... If they were mad they surely would have been by the door... Right?

"Mom?" Y/N questioned going into the kitchen. "What's going on?"

"Oh Y/N I thought you were spending the night with Veronica-"

"Oh yeah I came to get clothes," She lied through a sigh. "What are you doing,"

"Water," Her mother explained as Y/N left soon after that grabbing a few things from her room before going right back out of the door.

"Hey, Sweets meet at Pops?" She questioned through a smirk.

"You don't have to stay at home?" He whispered the excitement clouding his voice.

"Yeah, so Pop's I'm walking there now-"

"Y/N stay put I can pick you up," Sweet Pea tries to reassure however he failed as she continued to walk.

"I'll be fine-"

"No Riverdale isn't safe you know that and I can-"

"I walk everywhere... It'll be fine," She reassured him which was true Y/N did walk everywhere because she didn't have a car yet since her parents tried their best to keep her home as much as possible.

However, Y/N never did end up making it to Pops that night.

"Y/N?" Sweet Pea questioned checking every booth and even the bathroom of the restaurant still was nowhere to be seen.

"Y'know I'm not stupid... I know what's going on between the two of you," Veronica mumbled leaning against the counter through a smirk. "That's why I covered for her because I thought she was with you,"

"She was supposed to meet me here... Oh, fuck!" Sweet Pea exclaimed knowing exactly what happened... The ghoulies...

"Goodbye to you too," Veronica laughed as he dashed out of the restaurant.

She was nowhere to be found... Not on the streets or the sidewalks, or Pops...

"What the hell," Sweet Pea mumbled running fingers through his hair. "Where are you Y/N?"

"What the hell do you want with me?" Y/n all I'm but spit as she struggled against the restraints.

"Where's Sweet Pea-" Malaki questioned inching closer to her with a knife in his hand.

Y/N didn't know who in the hell these people were though she knew that they were ghoulies no doubt, though she didn't know he was the leader.

"I don't know... We barely know each other please just let me go," She pleaded through cries. "I won't tell anyone I don't even know your name,"

"We know about everything... Including your little fling which isn't going to last too much longer," He threatened holding the knife to her cheek, close enough to cut yet the knife not sharp enough. "So tell me where the fuck he is before things get ugly," 

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now