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“Just a small town where nothing changes… And nothing ever will- Nothing ever will,” Y/N finished singing causing cheers to erupt the crowd as she smiled and waved goodbye in response.

Finally, once she was backstage she took a giant sip of water going into her dressing room. She was just about to collapse onto the couch but then suddenly two arms became encircled around her.

“You did great out there… As always,” He whispered kissing her temple gently from behind.

“And as always I owe this all to you- for pushing me out of my comfort zone and into all of this,”

“Ugh you say this to me every day,” He sighed collapsing on the couch. “Y’know you’re also the one that jump-started my career,”

“No, you didn’t you did that on your own… You boxer champ,” She laughed sitting down beside him and swinging her legs over his lap.

“You also owe Cheryl your career too… But hey I don’t hear you thanking her now do I?” He questioned through a wide grin.

She knew exactly what he was talking about… After all the hate the red-head managed to spread across the internet people began to take Y/N’s side- Well after principle Weatherbee put out the truth.

People had reblogged her story everywhere saying how Y/N was strong and brave for going against Cheryl… Sure graduation hadn’t been everything that it had lead up to be but Y/N couldn’t have asked for it any other way. Sure Cheryl and Sweet Pea hadn’t been the only ones either, Veronica could also be found starting her own career as a singer- Only she still lives in Riverdale unlike Y/N.

Veronica had been the main reason why Y/N was offered this in the first place. In her speakeasy Le Bon Luis she was hosting an after-graduation party for everyone to promote her new rum and then things took a turn when she asked Y/N to sing by her side.

Though when Y/N was hesitant to except she had no idea that a college scout would be there… And that was how both of their careers began. Both singing as a duet about the horrors of Riverdale… Though after that their solo careers began.

And their lives changed forever.

“She doesn’t deserve that… She almost ruined my life,” Y/N mumbled through a chuckle. “You’re funny,”

“I know,” He chuckled through a content sigh. “I can’t wrap my finger around how in the hell we finally got out of Riverdale… I mean even your song is asking that,”

“I don’t care- And I also don’t care what in the hell the internet thinks about us we got here on our own and we deserve this,” She sunk into the cushions and closed her eyes, though they quickly reopened as she felt Sweet Pea move under her legs.

“I have to go to training… But I promise I’ll be back by tonight so be ready-”

“Ready for what?” She asked concerned eying him up and down.

“We’re celebrating our first few months of fame,” He smirked through a wide grin. “I thought Veronica already told you?”

“No, she didn’t… I’ll be ready don’t worry,” And with a quick kiss goodbye, Sweet Pea was gone leaving Y/N deep in her thoughts.

“How the hell did I end up here?” She questioned herself running a hand down her face.

They had gone from living in a cramped, leaky trailer on the lines of poverty to a nice apartment after graduation… Well, a somewhat nice apartment, one that they could afford. The raven-haired man did anything and everything to allow Y/N to take up that scholarship and move to California though it wasn’t easy or luxurious… It was better than Riverdale that was for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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