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Cheryl was right... It truly was terrible what the internet could do. What the internet portrayed Y/N to be. It was worse than what they had done to Betty or even Veronica because they were open about their relationships.

Her parents had seen it and called and texted her like a million times but not once did Y/N care enough about it. She knew every little thing everyone was saying and or portraying her as and that wasn't going to be enough for her to go back to her parents with open arms.

They had basically kicked her out this wasn't like the time in the ninth grade when she ran away and they sent out a search party for her saying that she had been kidnapped or some shit like that... It had been that long since she's been trying to getaway.

And she wasn't about to stop now.

"GODDAMMIT!" Sweet Pea exclaimed getting burnt on the stove thus the frying pan he was using wasn't really... Well flat bottomed, every time something was put in it would all lean to one side and get everywhere.

He flung his hand around like a little baby, and though Y/N wanted to laugh she began to feel somewhat concerned at the red mark clouding his hand. "I can make the rest of the burgers," Y/N reassured coming up behind him. "Y'know it was my idea,"

"Yeah but this is fucking dangerous!" He exclaimed only causing her to chuckle. "Damn now my sleeve is back down!"

"I got it," She reassured rolling up the raven-haired man's sleeve back up to his elbow. "Wouldn't want you hurting your hand anymore now would we,"

"Yeah... You can make the rest of the burger but I told you so if you get burnt,"

"Fine," She sighed through a small grin. "Challenge excepted," And that's when the best burgers were born and they had the best dinner imaginable.

The rain that night had taken both of them by surprise as they were watching some stupid show before bed. Wind hurdled against the wall behind them startling Y/N who made sure to keep a firm grip on her boyfriends hand.

"You have no need to be scared... Nothing is going to happen," He reassured through a grin. "Not while I'm here,"

"I'm just a little shaken up- from everything at school that's all," She sighed never meeting his eyes. "Now no one likes-" Before she could get out the rest though his lips were on hers shielding her from the world around them as always.

"I never wanted this to happen... Since day one I wanted this a secret so that you could stay on the cheerleading team and for no one to call you a slut-"

"That's what you don't understand pea it doesn't matter what other people think it only matters that we're happy and cheerleading was never something better than you," A blush formed across his cheeks as she said the last part. "I love you and even if this hadn't of happened it was only a matter of time that my parents spread it around the whole town,"

"Fuck Y/N you're too good for me," He sighed running his hand up and down her arm in a soothing motion. "Everyone saying those things about you are assholes,"

"I know that's why I'm not going to give them power," A loud giggle escaped her lips as Sweet Pea lifted her off the couch after turning off the TV. He carried her to bed and laid her gently onto it... Only for his face to portray a certain emotion that Y/N had never seen before.

"What the hell," He mumbled his sock now soaked with some unknown substance as he left to go flick on the light.

"What is it?" Y/N questioned hopping off the bed only to feel it as well- though when the light was turned on they weren't met by a stain but yet something still wet on the carpet.

"Oh great just what we fucking needed God DAMMIT!" He yelled swinging a fist through the air though Y/N caught it.

"Sweets calm down I'm sure the roof can be fixed," Y/N tried to reassure though she failed miserably as the look on his face showed it all.

"What are supposed to do for the time being? How the hell are we going to get the money to fix this?"

"I don't know," She mumbled through a sigh never meeting his eyes.

"Pack your things were leaving-"

"Where?" Y/N all in but screeched pulling him back by the arm. "Where the hell could be possibly be going,"

"We could get an apartment somewhere away from this trash of a town and live a new life-"

"But Sweets-"

"Don't you trust me?" He questioned finally meeting her gaze.

"Of course I trust you but... but this is crazy!"

"Crazy is all that we've got left," Suddenly Y/N was back in Sweet Peas arms her arms around his waist gripping him tightly afraid that he might leave her like everyone else.

"Do we really have enough money saved up?" She questioned as he whipped away a single tear from her cheek.

"Of course we do... Hell, we might actually be free,"

"What about school?" She asked through wide eyes.

"It ends in two weeks we can leave after that and-" Suddenly her lips were on his causing his eyes to widen.

"Thank you so much... This means everything to me now I can finally get out of this stupid town,"

"We both have the same goal of getting out of this town so why now help one another out," He grinned as she only beamed a smile at him not able to push it off her lips. "Besides I can't live here any longer... Not with the past in all.

"I know what you mean," She sighed never meeting his eyes. "My parents hate me so much the only thing that my mother called about was what's been going on the internet,"

"Wow," He mumbled gripping her tighter. "Well, I'm glad we're going to make this happen,"

"This is fucking crazy Pea were young and-"

"Just look at it as us moving away together for college," He reassured pushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you want to go to college?" She was stunned by the question one that he had never asked before.

"Of course I want to go to college... But what about the money-"

"You worry too much," He mumbled kissing her forehead. "You're going to get your dream job and go to college and make a bunch of friends I can see it now,"

"This is still fucking crazy!" She exclaimed through wide eyes. "What in the hell would I do without you..."

"Still be with your parents... I can see it now us exploring the world together-"

"Oh, can you?" She asked through a smirk as they climbed into bed together.

"Yes I can in fact see the future and with us it's bright... We're going to be rich,"

"I'll believe it when I see it," Though her laugh went unnoticed in the future as she didn't know it then but his words were, in fact, true though it hadn't gone as they had thought. 

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now