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"What's the worst that could happen?" Y/N questioned Sweet Pea as he paced the back room not wanting his girlfriend to go back out there.

"You can't do that you'll lose your job... Or worse give us away," She tried to reason reaching out to him however he avoided her touch.

"I can't let people treat you like this... I couldn't control Malaki but I can control this-"

"Sweets you don't need to control this," She reassured finally gripping his apron firmly and pulling him closer so that their bodies were touching. "I'm a big girl I can handle it myself,"

"That's my girl," Sweet Pea laughed kissing her softly. "Now you get out there and show that bitch what's up,"

"Oh, language!"

"You don't even mind it," He laughed grabbing the mop from the back and poking her with it. "Just get out there and show them who's boss,"

"That's pretty difficult," Y/N sighed running a hand down her face. "Considering Cheryl thinks that she's the top bee of everything,"

"I believe in you... And so does Mr. Mop here," He laughed handing it to her. "He even wants to help you clean up the mess-"

"Not funny!" She called leaving the back room.

"I know you always think I'm funny," Sweet Pea laughed to himself. "Ah, the things I do for love,"

"So you and Sweet Pea are friends?" Cheryl asked for like the twentieth time Y/N had gotten the chance to see her... Which wasn't often as Y/N made it a habit to only come back to their table if completely necessary which wasn't often.

"Cheryl I've told you this we just know each other from work... We try to make it as peaceful as possible- After all Pop's thinks of all of his workers as a family as does Veronica," Y/N reasoned setting down their onion rings and fries. "Enjoy-"

"Well, I don't see the point in that... Being fake to him even though you hate his kind,"

"What kind is that exactly?" The waitress asked clearly concerned yet clearly amused.

"You know... His- His culture... Southside serpent slum,"

"I think it's great that he's trying to better his... Situation by working here but I barely know him, Cheryl, I can't be one to judge-"

"What happened to you disliking the southside and all the gangs in the-"

"That's in the past... I'm over that now, I don't know any of them very well and it's not my place to judge,"

"We have to judge if not they'll take over the northside... Which side are you on Y/N because you can't play in the middle-"

"Enjoy your food-" Y/N tried to get away but the red-heads words pulled her back.

"The last thing I would want for you is to get on the nerves of the wrong people,"

"Y/N Pop needs you in the back!" Sweet Pea called causing a sigh with relief to escape her lips at the sudden perfect timing for an escape from Cheryl.

However when Y/N went into the back Pop Tate was nowhere to be seen, when she turned around to leave though she found Sweet Pea standing close behind her. She had bumped right into his toned chest as he stared down at her just like Jughead had said... Like she was a piece of food and he was starving.

"Did you do this on purpose?" She questioned through a smirk wrapping her arms around his neck through a grin.

"No, I would never," He chuckled through a smirk leaning down and giving her a quick peck on the lips. "Thanks for sticking up for me-"

"You heard all that?" She questioned through wide eyes, causing her smile to disappear. "Look Sweet Pea I-"

"Look it's alright... I'm not mad," He reassured brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Your past is just like my fucked up... But as long as we fixed everything now and make our future better I don't give two shits about the past,"

"I'm down for that," She laughed kissing him once more. "Besides that, I'm making tacos tonight," She smirked unhooking her arms from around his neck going to leave... Yet he stopped her pulling her back by the arm so that her back was firmly pressed up against his chest.

"Awesome," He murmured into her ear breath fanning it. "Finally," And that's when he let her good and she went toward the door.

"Oh and Sweets?" She questioned turning back to meet his eyes. "Thanks again... For everything," And that's how smirks were formed across both their lips as Y/N walked out the door.

Only to be met by Cheryl.

"What the hell are you doing behind the counter?" Y/N questions through wide eyes the smirk on her face leaving and one forming on Cheryl's.

"Listening to you... So much for barely knowing him," Cheryl mumbled through her grin red lipstick bringing out the look in her eyes.

That's when Cheryl's hand came in contact with Y/N's cheek causing her to let out a shriek of pain... Though there was no one else in the restaurant.

"What the hell-"

"You're a fucking lier Y/N! YOU HAVE BEEN FUCKING A SERPENT THIS WHOLE TIME! Well, guess what, not on my cheer team... YOU'RE KICKED OFF THE VIXENS!"

"No... No please it's not what it looks like-"

"YOUR WORD MEANS NOTHING! You're a lier... Just wait until the whole school realizes that," That's when the Red-headed girl left the restaurant with a bang her goons already waiting outside for her.

"What the fuck was all that about?" Sweet Pea questioned pulling Y/N safely into his arms.

"Cheryl she knows," Y/N cried never meeting the raven-haired man's eyes. "She knows about us and now she's going to make school hell I-"

"Not if I have something to say about it," He grinned kissing the top of her head. "I have a plan,"

"Which is?"

"I'll tell you when we get home but right now... Right now we have some work to do," and that's when everything once again went madly wrong even when they tried to fix things.

"I-I can't do this-"

"Oh yes you fucking can and you will," He reassured interlocking their fingers and there went nothing.

They walked through the doors, Sweet Peas Southside jacket around Y/N's shoulders as their hands remained interlocked.

There were whispers to be heard around the school, gasps, and wide eyes... But those were to be expected of course.

But what came next wasn't so expected.

"You guys decided to come out to the school?" Veronica asked terrified. "So that means you're making Cheryl seem like a fool?"

"Well yeah, we beat her to it,"

"Listen, Cheryl, she's planning something and I came here to warn you but it-" But Veronica had been cut off by nothing less of the bitch herself.

"Ah I see you attempted at beating me at my own game," She laughed clicking her hair back.

"Yeah, and you lost you-"

"Too bad that was only the beginning," She laughed pulling out her phone and showing them something. "It truly is terrible what the internet can do-"

And that's when they realized what she was showing them.  

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now