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"Oh what the hell," She murmured running a hand down her face catching her breath. "Of course it was unlocked that whole time,"

She bolted down the hallway, chair leg in hand ready to fight off any ghoulie in her way. However, all it ended up leading to was a staircase. Out of this terrifying basement no doubt. Once she got up the stairs she realized where she was. The ghoulies den.

Although she thought that once she made it to the top that she would die. And be captured again or worse beaten. She didn't want to be captured again and trapped in that basement again where she wouldn't be able to see the real world or do whatever the fuck she wanted.

Then Y/N finally opened her eyes finally to face her fears seeing three of them asleep in varying places across the room. Now it was about getting out without waking them up. That couldn't be too hard now, could it?

With every step that she took the fear would jolt down her spine, she knew that the floors were bound to creak at some point and it was only a matter of time until then. Every move she made was everyone closer to her getting caught and then suddenly she was in the doorway so close to freedom.

However, once she started to open up the door, it let out a loud creek startling her with surprise. It was the last thing she expected to let her get caught and yet it was the thing that woke them up... Well one of them at least.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of the ghoulies questioned through wide eyes jolting up from his sleep.

"Ah Y/N you've been a very bad girl," Malaki laughed getting up as well although before they could snatch her up she was gone and out the door. Then suddenly outside and back into the town known as Riverdale.

The town that she would always be stuck in.

"Get her!" She could hear Malaki's voice from behind as she sprinted across the southside and then suddenly into the streets where cars were rushing by and that's when she saw one place insight that she would truly feel safe.

Southside trailer park.

"Sweet Pea! Sweet Pea help!" She exclaimed pounding against the door praying that he was home, not caring if anyone saw her anymore or not.

But he wasn't home. And now Y/N had no choice yet to keep on running. Maybe she could make it to pops she honestly didn't know, she didn't know how far she could make it until...

Her thoughts were taken over by the pain of her running, her legs sprinting across the pavement everything in her mind racing. She wanted to go home although she didn't want to lead them there.

And that's when she heard the sound of motorcycles behind her.

"Help help me please!" Y/N exclaimed burst into the white wyrm luckily she found Jughead there whom she's known pretty well through Betty since they were dating after all.

"Y/N what happened? Everyone's been looking everywhere for you!" Jughead exclaimed wrapping her in a hug. "We need to get you to the cops and-"

"No! They have to come here Jughead Malaki is out there looking for me and he's not going to stop-"

"Why the hell would Malaki do all of this? I mean I get he doesn't like North siders but he's more against the serpents,"

"Please call the cops!" Y/n exclaimed through hysterical sobs and that's when the door bell ring from behind her and footsteps came in.

Her mind raced to the worst, as she knew that more than likely it could be Malaki and his goons... But then she realized that it had only been one pair of footsteps.

"Y/N?" Sweet Pea asked from behind her his voice cracking at the sight of the woman he loved all bloody and fragile.

"I thought you were one of the Ghoulies," She laughed through tears never meeting his gaze.

"So the ghoulies are after you?" He questioned wanting nothing more than too hug Y/N tightly and never let her go again.

Though the other part of him wanted to kill whoever hurt his lover.

"I knew you two were a thing," Jughead mumbled through a grin crossing his arms.

"Yeah it's obvious," Toni pointed out from the bar as other serpents began to not in agreement.


"Sweet Pea you're looking at Y/N like she's a juicy burger and you're starving," Jughead laughed through a grin. "Hug already we wonder judge-"

"You won't?" Y/N asked still through tears.

"If you're really worried about dating a South sider then you've surely forgotten that I'm dating Betty," Jughead mumbled through a sigh.

"It's more about my parents..." Y/N explained l never meeting their gazes. "They would-" However before she could get out of the rest she was in Sweet Peas warm embrace.

"Are you hurt?" He questioned looking her up and down.

"No," She whispered through a sigh. "How long was I gone?"

"A few days... I was searching everywhere for you," He reassured gripping her tighter.

"Sweet Pea I-" Although before she could continue the sound of cop cars filled their ears as sheriff Jones came though the door. That was when Y/N broke down into tears seeing her parents come in behind them.

"Y/N we were looking everywhere for you!" Her mother exclaimed wrapping her in a hug.

"We were worried sick about you!" Her father exclaimed hugging her as well.

"Y/N who gave you those bruises?" Fp questioned looking her up and down as if to see if she was hurt anymore.

"Malaki he took me hostage in his basement because he... Wanted information about the serpents,"

"Alright well we'll find him and we'll male sure that a fair trial is held," The sheriff promised running a hand down his face. "Until then don't go anywhere alone... And stay safe," Then after that the sheriff was gone.

"Y/N why would you come here of all places?" Her mother asked though disgust.

"It was the first place I saw," Y/N lied never meeting their eyes.

"And who are they?" Her mother asked eyeing Jughead and Sweet Pea. "And why was he hugging you?"

"Because he's my friend... From school," She tried to reassure how ever failed miserably.

"Come on Y/N we're leaving," Her mother mumbled grabbing her sleeves and pulling her along.

She had gotten out the door just in time to spare one last glance at Sweet Pea before disappearing. Y/N thought that her parents would have been thankful to see her but the way that they were acting in the car proved to her that something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" She suddenly felt herself speaking up causing her to mentally facepalm herself.

"We don't enjoy the people you've been hanging out with," Her mother mumbled through a sigh. "We're thinking that you need to stay home the next few days to-"

"No, mom you can't keep me from living my life-"

"Y/N... Y/N please just listen we think it's for the best,"

"Well I don't,"

"Please just trust us we're trying to do what's best for you,"

"Alright," Y/N mumbled crossing her arms and leaning her head against the class of the window. "...Alright I guess I could give it a try,"

And that's when everything for Y/n began to go wrong. 

ᗰE ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ (Sweet Pea X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now