VIII. The Best Thing

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You're the center of adrenalin
And I'm beginning to understand
You could be the best thing about me
You're the best thing about me

You're the center of adrenalin And I'm beginning to understand You could be the best thing about meYou're the best thing about me

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"Why are we here, Billy?" Maya asked

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"Why are we here, Billy?" Maya asked.

Billy didn't answer, just smiled. He walked behind Maya and wrap his arm around her waist. "Explain to me, why are we here!" Maya exclaimed.

"Are you really upset that I woke you up from your nap?" Billy asked as he placed his hand in his pocket.

"Yes." Maya answered as Billy grinned.

"Trust me, the reason why we're here will be worth of the sacrifice of your nap." Billy said as he rested his chin on her head.

"It better be." Maya said.

"I have something to ask you " Billy stated.

"What would that be?" Maya asked as she noticed these signs on sticks. She shook her head. "Billy, do you see these signs?" Maya said, turning around when she noticed he wasn't walking behind her.

Billy smiled then got down on one knee.

Maya gasped.

This can't be happening right now.

"Is this really happening right now?" Maya asked.

"Maya, I promise to do everything I only can to be a perfect match for you and to become a husband you deserve. I want to become your happily-ever-after, and I will do my best for your incredible smile to never fade. You are the greatest and the most precious gift given to me by this life, so I wish the whole world knew about my infinite and limitless love for you. I love dreaming with you because you understand me as nobody would ever understand. I love being ill if I know that you will be near and take care of me. Maya Swan, make me the happiest guy in the world. Will you marry me?" Billy asked as he pulled out a ring.

Maya nodded yes.

"Yes, I'll marry you

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"Yes, I'll marry you." Maya answered.

"Yes! Finally I was straining my neck. Congratulations!" Charlie said as he walked out from behind the trees with the pack and Sue following him.

"Congratulations!" Everyone shouted.

Maya looked at Billy and smiled.

"I love you." Maya said.

"Oh darling. I love you. You're mine." He growled before pulling her into a deep kiss.

"Billy." Maya mumbled against his lips as she stared at her father who looked slightly uncomfortable standing there.

Billy turned and looked at everyone and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Thank you all for being here." Billy said, smiling.

"We couldn't miss this besides someone had to keep Charlie from interrupting the moment." Leah said.

Charlie gasped.

"I wasn't going to interrupt." Charlie said.

"Yeah, so why did you try to call Maya right before Billy got down on one knee?" Sue asked.

"What? No, I was trying to call Bella so she could hear the proposal." Charlie answered as Maya laughed.

"It's okay, dad, he knows I don't like surprises." Maya said.

"You wouldn't be a Swan if you didn't." Jacob said, as he put his arm over Leah's shoulder.

"Come on, let's celebrate with a bonfire." Sam said.

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