Opening Scene

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You would've been surprised if your new partner didn't get sick. Still, you kind of wished he didn't. The sounds of him heaving up the remainder of his lunch was a bit distracting to say the least. Can't say you didn't tell him not to eat first or at least wait for you before checking out the crime scene, maybe he'd listen to you next time.

Walking into the house formerly owned by miss Charlotte Prim, it wasn't hard to tell what happened. Police tape wrapped around the parameter and the front door was blocked by cops looking as pale as your partner, trying to get a breath of fresh air. People looking to catch a glimpse of what happened inside were pushed up against the tape. You squeezed past the men at the door, a couple giving you worried glances but not stopping you. Once inside you were greeted with the overbearing coppery smell of blood and a relatively neat living room.

The house was quaint so the room wasn't all that big. To your left was a set of stairs leading up and to the right was a sitting space with a TV filling up a large portion of a wall. The only signs of a struggle in here was a knocked over table lamp. You snapped on the pair of latex gloves you'd been carrying and approached the lamp, careful not to disturb your surroundings.

A team had already come through to gather what evidence they could so technically it wouldn't be a big issue if something got a little out of order. But they called you in to go behind them and see if you could find anything new. This particular murder was already confirmed to be a part of an ongoing case, one involving a string of murders in the city. The police force had given up on solving it themselves and called in for a specialist. And that's where you came in.

You crouched down and picked up the lamp, twisting it around in your hands. It was metal and had a bit of weight to it, perfect for swinging at someone which was exactly what it was used for. One of the sharp corners on the square base was covered in recently dried blood. It was flaking in spots that were covered in thin layers of the stuff. Your eyes moved to the plush white carpet and the blood trail on it.


Your partner stood in the doorway as he called to you weakly. His face was still pale and he looked absolutely terrified. Sweat clung to his forehead and made some of his pink locks stick to his face. His glasses had slipped down his nose and the bandana he usually wore to keep his hair out of his face was being used to mop up sweat around his neck.

"What's up Koby?" You stood and started following the blood trail. He slowly followed after, knowing he had to take in the scene again if he wanted to help.

"How'd you handle your first crime scene?" He asked.

You wouldn't have picked a case as gruesome as this for a starting point for him, but there wasn't much of a choice. It was your assignment whether you liked it or not and therefore, his as well.

"About as well as you're handling this." You offered him a comforting smile. "I think I threw up a few times, mostly from the smell. My first one involved a few dead bodies at different stages of decomposition. It wasn't pleasant."

"How do you deal with all this?"

You stepped into the kitchen and it was a completely different scene than the living room, like night and day.

"You experience something often enough and it gets easier in some ways more than others. And it's important to find your own ways to cope."

The once white room with black appliances was painted red with blood. There wasn't one thing in the kitchen that had escaped being at least partially covered. Right in the middle of the tiled floor was the culprit. Prim was a beautiful woman in life, blonde hair, blue eyes, nicely tanned skin. Her body was now a mere shadow of who she used to be. The single remaining eye showed the terror she felt in her final moments, the second was removed from the socket, the killer's doing.

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