Number Eight

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The ex boyfriend never got back to you yesterday. You called him again and still got nothing. Now it was beginning to nag at you. There was the chance he was avoiding you in hopes of not having to deal with a detective but that would insinuate a guilty conscience. The only other thing you could think of was he was grieving and either didn't notice the calls or didn't care to answer them. Either way, you decided it was a good time to pay him a visit instead.

You were happy that you'd gotten both Peros' and Katakuri's info a couple days ago and were able to get the ex's address from the younger of the two. All you had to do was get Smoker to go with you and you'd be golden. So you had Koby come back over after the night of fruitless research, fully intending on Smoker coming along, and called the man.

"What do you need?" He grumbled on the other end, clearly not a morning person.

"The ex didn't answer my calls so we're going to pay him a visit. Are you at the station?"

"Who said I was free to run errands with you?"

"You just had to say you didn't want to go." You scoffed as you motioned for Koby to get in the car.

"You can't go alone. Akainu won't let you."

"Well he's not here to stop me. I'm going either way so are you coming or not?" After getting settled into the driver's seat, you pushed the key in the ignition and waited for his response.

"I guess so." He said with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Perfect. I'll be by in a few."


You couldn't resist giggling to yourself as you looked in the mirror again. The drive to the ex boyfriend's house wouldn't be long, but the look on Smoker's face made it seem like it'd already been going on for far too long.

Both of you agreed it'd be easier to just go in the same vehicle. You were going to the same place after all. But he didn't know you had Koby in the front seat. The younger male offered to sit in the back but you told him to stay put since he was still learning the ropes from you. It wasn't really necessary for a car ride but you found it funny how Smoker grumbled to himself as he got in the seat behind you. Of course he was all the more unsettled when you told him he couldn't smoke in the vehicle either. That was more because you didn't want you or your stuff smelling like it.

"What's so funny?" The white haired man asked, making eye contact with you through the mirror as he fiddled with a cigar in his shirt pocket.

"Nothing, just thinking is all." You smiled innocently, not missing when Koby rolled his eyes.

"How much longer till we get there?" He shifted around in the back seat, just itching to get out of the car.

"It should be a little further down the road." You started eyeing the different addresses plastered across the sides of houses and mailboxes.

The neighborhood was definitely an upper middle class one. Cute houses lined the narrow street and stood a little too close to one another, not allowing for much yard space. But they were all relatively new with what little lawn they had neatly trimmed and well kept. Your eyes lit up when you saw the one with the address you were looking for. It was a two story, light sandy colored house with an expensive looking truck parked in the driveway. It looked like the man was home.

You pulled in behind the truck and twisted back a bit to look at Smoker. "This is it."

He grunted in response as all three of you left the vehicle. He tried to brush past you to get to the door but this was your lead and you weren't going to let him take control on it. You sped up and marched ahead of him, sending a smirk in his direction as you knocked on the door.

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