The Game

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I've never played paintball but I got the gist of it before writing this chapter so I hope I got it down okay. I tried~

It was quiet as the game began. Koby assured you he could take care of himself but everyone agreed it was still better to move in pairs. He went with Helmeppo and you had Kid.

The playing field was outside with a few different kinds of items to use for cover strewn about. It was a mix of metal containers, plastic barrels, and wooden barricades. Besides that, there was no grass or underbrush. Just a lot of dirt.

You were happy Kid picked up on what you were doing quickly. You stayed crouched over as you went to make yourself a smaller target and he did the same. Though you couldn't say it was nearly as effective for him. He was built very similarly to Smoker, tall and very muscular. It meant he would be easier to hit, hunched over or not. Still, it beat him walking straight into someone.

He seemed to want to take the lead so you let him, following as he moved closer into the playing field a short distance away. As you two hopped from one cover to another, you occasionally caught glimpses of the other two on your team doing the same thing. Quick flashes of pink let you know Koby had no problem staying low and out of sight.

Helmeppo moved much slower, lingering in the open enough to make you cringe. If Luffy didn't somehow get eliminated first, he would.

Suddenly, you saw green hair poking around a helmet- Zoro. You quietly approached Kid and tapped on his shoulder.

He nodded, immediately seeing the other man, and an excited smile curled the corners of his lips. It was almost a cruel smile. Even if he wasn't the best shot out of everyone, he still seemed like he'd be dangerous to go against. You were glad to have him on your team after all.

"You want this one?" You whispered.

"Yeah, just cover me."

He began backtracking to go around and hit Zoro head on while you kept an eye out for anyone else and stayed parallel with the greenette. You noticed he was making a beeline for the other two on your team, probably having spotted Helmeppo.

You thought that'd make him blind to Kid's approach but right as a few shots were fired in his direction, he tucked and rolled. One skimmed past his arm but it wasn't enough to count as a real shot. Kid probably still wanted to be the one to take him down so you fired off a couple shots at his feet. It was enough to draw his attention without getting him out of the game.

You giggled as he shot you a dirty look from behind his visor. It turned into hardly muffled laughter when Kid shot him in the shoulder. Red paint splattered across his shirt and vest and he was out of the game. One down, three to go.

Zoro started wandering off in the wrong direction much to your confusion. He was supposed to go towards the dead zone but he was walking towards you instead. When he reached the blockade you were at, you took him by the shoulders and turned him in the right direction.

"Straight back that way buddy."

"I knew that." He growled, now moving the right way.

You rolled your eyes and returned your focus to the game. Kid was working his way back to you when someone shot off at him. He dropped in time to avoid being hit but he was still out in the open. You reached out, snagged his arm, and started dragging him back to cover. He let out a surprised grunt, not thinking you were strong enough pull his weight. You had to admit, he was extremely heavy and it left you a little breathless.

Koby and Helmeppo came into view and shot back at your unseen attacker. The backup was handy until Helmeppo took a hit straight to the helmet. Yellow paint blocked half his vision and sent him backpedaling until he fell on his ass. He let out a frustrated groan and got up to march over with Zoro.

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