Life Goes On -End

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You weren't one to watch the news but you felt obligated to today. Smoker and you were curled up on the couch together, a couple months after catching the cannibal Bartolomeo and listening in on his verdict. Of course the two of you knew a while ago what it was so it wasn't a surprise that he got life in a wonderfully high security prison. It was good knowing you were finally done with him.

Smoker was still watching the TV intently as he had his hands up your shirt, feeling lightly along your scars. All of them looked much worse than before but they were healed up at least. You had a few new ones as well. One on your thigh and a few along your arms. None of them ever bothered him and with times like now, he often found himself touching them just for the sake of skin contact. You did the same with his from time to time, but he didn't have quite as many. Apparently he wasn't as accident prone as you.

"How'd that meet up go?" He asked as he kissed your shoulder delicately.

"Good. I think they'll stick with it. Buggy isn't too happy about a family taking over the place but I think he'll survive."

You decided to end your lease on the house and stay with Smoker instead. It went against everything you wanted to do from the start with him, but you just didn't feel right in that house anymore. You tried going back to it and you found yourself constantly looking over your shoulder and spending your nights awake, unable to shake the feeling that someone else might be there as well. You felt safer here and he was more than happy to let you stay. It led to you becoming a real couple and it even helped with work in some strange way.

When Dragon saw how well you worked with him and the police force in general, he made you their on hand investigator. If they needed anything, you were the first person they'd call. At least recently that is. You'd finally gotten back from your time off work only a couple weeks ago. Koby had worked with you on a few small things since then and had started getting the experience he needed. You were just glad he wasn't having to see corpses all the time anymore.

"He's just pissy he couldn't have you." Smoker said smugly as his hands started to roam more freely along your sides.

"He never had a chance." You giggled and tilted your head back for a kiss.

Smoker gladly pressed his lips to yours, moving his tongue into your mouth as his hands massaged your skin lightly. Some parts were still a little tender at times so he was always careful around them. When he slipped under your bra and began kneading your breasts, you broke away with a sigh.

"Koby's going to be here soon. We can't be doing this right now."

"Sure we can." He said as he worked along your neck, eliciting small, breathy sounds from you. "We'll just have to make it quick."

He spun you around and you straddled him. The second you were facing him, he claimed your mouth hungrily. You kissed him back with the same force and fumbled with the buttons of his shirt. Soon enough, you had his chest bared to you and were feeling along it.

Smoker busied himself with hiking up your skirt at the same time. Skirts weren't usually your thing but you were glad you wore one today. It was going to make this much easier. He let out a groan when you began grinding into him, his fingers digging into your backside as he rocked slightly to meet you.

He was good about controlling himself usually. But every once in a while he'd crave you constantly and find any excuse he could for sex. Apparently now was one of those times. You giggled as his hands shook against you and you nibbled along his neck. There was one spot right under his jaw that always got him going.

It was never hard to find, the second you'd flick your tongue over it, he'd lean his head back so you'd have better access and let out the most enticing noises. He did just that when you got to it, his throat vibrating against your mouth as he moaned. The deep, lusty sound always went straight to your core.

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