Hanging Out

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Just going to say, some characters may not have expected roles in this AU, not everyone is a criminal when it may seem like they should be. Roll with it.

"Where'd my laptop go?" You had been searching for the bag it was in but couldn't find it. It was right by the couch until you got out of the shower.

"No idea." Smoker flipped through the channels on TV, not even looking at you. He was sitting in the middle of the couch, taking up half the space with his legs splayed out.

You weren't having that. Since he was going to ignore you, you stood in front of the TV with a hip jutted out to the side and your arms crossed over your chest.

"I've got work to do. Where'd you put it?"

He sighed with you now blocking the show he had settled on and let his gaze land on you instead. You could've swore he gave you a once over but you weren't totally sure and didn't want to call him out on it. You were sleeping on his couch after all.

"Take a break. Watch the idiot box or something."


"If you can find it you can work. Otherwise, relax for a bit."



You groaned and spent some time wandering the home. He wouldn't hide it in the bathroom. You were in there at the time and the moisture would ruin the computer anyway. He probably wouldn't go that far. Smoker ignored you as you padded around the living room and kitchen, opening cabinets and checking under furniture. The only other place left to check was his room. You glared at the back of Smoker's head as you realized that was exactly where it had to be.

"Did you really put it in your room?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

You glanced at the cracked bedroom door and back at him.

"I'm going to check whether you like it or not."

"Don't care." He shot back.

You walked up to the door confidently but then hesitated when your hand touched it. What if he had some really personal things in there? Smoker struck you as the kind of guy who wouldn't care of someone saw things most people tended to keep out of sight. It didn't help that Smoker didn't even give you a hint of emotion to let you what may be in there. Not to mention it would be rude to just let yourself into his room. But he took your computer.

The internal struggle continued for a couple more minutes and then you let out a small frustrated groan and gave up. You wouldn't be that much of a pain. You made your walk of shame to the loveseat beside the couch Smoker took up and sat in it with your feet curled up under you.

He didn't say anything but there was a triumphant smirk on his face. It made you want to throw something at him, wipe that look off his face. The urge had you squirming but you behaved and focused on what he had playing on the TV. You didn't know the name of the show but it had Gordon Ramsey on it. That was enough to earn your interest.

You loved watching him yell at people in the kitchen for doing something stupid. Maybe that's because you couldn't yell at the stupid people in your life. It was a downside to working with the public on the rare occasion you did.

As the show went on you began to relax like Smoker suggested and soon both of you were commenting on parts of it here and there, chuckling and giggling on occasion like you'd forgotten about him hiding your stuff from you. But watching a show about food reminded you that it was getting later in the morning and you hadn't eaten since you'd been woken up. Neither had your temporary roommate now that you thought about it.

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