Don't Think About It

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Another dream. You were in the sewers again but the sludge was gone. Still, remnants of it stuck to the walls and floor like it had been recently drained. There were no shambling corpses, just the sound of water drops hitting the concrete further down the tunnel. You had no source of light on you but the area was somehow still lit up enough for you to see where you were going. Dream logic.

Your steps echoed through the walkways as you took one turn after another, looking for an exit. It felt like you walked for hours but found nothing. No tale tell streams of light from the world above, no ladders leading up. Only your shoes slapping against wet concrete and the occasional scuffling of rats passing by unseen. In fact, it felt like you were only going deeper into some maze.

You turned around and were startled by the pitch black you saw. The tunnels weren't that dark but the portion behind you was. As you stood frozen and stared into the abyss, you noticed it was slowly moving closer, swallowing everything in it's path like a living thing. You reached forward and your hand slipped into it. It felt like fine silk. Thick, soft, and real. When you pulled your hand back it was fine, nothing out of place.

Shoes scuffing the floor drew your attention back the way you were going. Someone was coming closer and something told you it wasn't Smoker or Koby or anyone else you knew. The footsteps were too soft, too...calculated. Your body swayed slightly as you stayed where you were. You didn't want to fumble in the darkness if you could avoid it and you didn't want to face whoever was about to come around that corner.

Bated breath quickly turned into fear induced gasps as none other than Bartolomeo came around the bend. His body was soaked in blood. It fell off his coat and hair, hitting the ground with steady drops. He flashed abnormally elongated canines in a cruel smile, looking like some punk vampire. But he was much more scary than that. Even if this wasn't real, the man very much was. Some storybook creature couldn't top that.

"What's wrong sweetheart? Cat got your tongue?" He snickered and took a step forward.

You took one back. He continued closer and you stepped away again, feeling the silky smooth darkness enveloping you. It was unexpectedly cool, sending a shiver down your spine.

"Don't be shy now. I just want a bite. Just. One. Bite." He sprang forward and you spun on your heel. The darkness was far better than the cannibal.

You sprinted forward blindly. It was easy to remember the last few turns you took and roughly how far down they were. But past that, you didn't remember which way to go and you could hear Bartolomeo back behind you. He was cackling gleefully as he chased you. This was nothing to him. He spent plenty of time down here after all.

Soon you were slowing down, sticking your hands out as you jogged along to feel for a wall. But no matter how far out you reached, you never touched one.

"Don't you know where you are?" His voice cooed by your ear.

You jerked back and threw a punch where it came from but only met air.

"Poor little thing, can't tell when you've lost, can you?" A hand glided along your waist and you moved away again.

"I haven't lost." You found your voice. "I'm going to find you." It came out confident despite the fear gnawing away at your insides.

"I don't like that tone." He growled. "I like it better when you run. Fast food, y'know?"

With a cackle he pushed you to the ground and straddled you, his face suddenly illuminated slightly in the darkness.

"None of this is real!" You shouted, fighting to release your hands from his grasp as he pinned them over your head.

"Who are you trying to convince?" Bartolomeo's eyes were shining like a kid's on Christmas morning. "I'm as real as they come."

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