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I don't know about most other people but I'd been raised to use humor to help cope with bad situations and our main character here does the same. Just a heads up in case some of the humor seems badly placed to some people.

Smoker didn't harass you when you got back to his place like you thought he would. Instead, he acted like nothing happened. Nope, you didn't straddle your work partner in a game of paintball. Don't know what you're talking about.

You were okay with that. It felt a bit awkward at first but if he could play it off, you could too.

After you took turns cleaning up, scrubbing off paint that somehow still got on your skin and the grime from the day, you were able to scrounge up something from the fridge to make dinner. You guys were going to need to buy some groceries if you were going to keep cooking like this. He didn't have much left in the fridge after that and his pantry wasn't in any better shape.

Though he thanked you in his usual way, a grunt and nod of the head like a caveman who had a vague idea of what manners were. You could tell he was happy to have a second cooked meal for the day. Each time you glanced in his direction as he ate, there was a small smile on his lips and he had a content gleam in his eye.

It was definitely a good day for the both of you. He was right, the break was exactly what you needed. Though the chances of him letting you get back to work tomorrow was slim to none. You'd have to wait another day until you could hopefully get back to business and crack down on Bartolomeo the cannibal. Until the job was done, he'd continue to nag at the back of your head one way or another. Either through your dreams or the constant itch to find out how to get a hold of him.

The thought of actually coming face to face with him did scare you, like Smoker said it did. But you were ready to just get it done. The guy had to be insane and the fear of what he'd do to others if he wasn't brought to justice outweighed your own fear of meeting him.

Even with thoughts of the case sitting heavy on you, the day ended on a good note. The evening was relaxing, calm, and strangely enough, you didn't feel burnt out from dealing with people all day. Usually people left you tired, exhausted. But not today. Sure your body was tired, but you didn't mind chatting with Smoker until he decided to call it a night.

It wasn't hard to tell he dealt with others about as well as you. You wondered if that had something to do with it as you fell asleep to the dull murmurs of voices coming from the TV.


"This is absolute bullshit." You groaned as you woke up to the sounds of Smoker shuffling around on the kitchen.

Everything hurt. Apparently spending all day hunched over and playing a game that was very physically intensive leaves you sore the next day. Who would've known?

"I thought you worked out?" Smoker must have started the coffee pot. The fragrance of the stuff freshly brewing filled the home and called you to your feet.

"Paintball isn't usually what I do to keep in shape, thank you very much."

You slowly stretched your protesting muscles until moving didn't feel quite as bad. Before you could get to the kitchen, Smoker pushed a cup of coffee into your hands and you stared down at it. It looked like it was just how you liked it. After taking a small sip, you could confirm he had made it perfectly. Had he figured it out from the few days you'd worked together? That was surprising but not unwelcome. It was sweet in fact. You didn't realize he payed attention to anything that didn't relate to the case.


He looked at you through the corner of a chocolate brown eye before nodding and heading out to the balcony for a cigar. Had to start that addiction early. You invited yourself out to join him and get some fresh air before it got too hot. The sun was out but it was still early. It'd be just a couple hours until it started to become sweltering and you were going to enjoy what little time without the overbearing heat that you could.

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