What, No Date First?

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Another extra update! There's a little more to this story and I'm hoping to have it done soonish so I can get my Heat x Reader one going~

Gambia filled you in on the rest of the reasons for the other victims deaths and let you know what happened to the remainder of the corpses. He thought any and all information he offered up would help him and Bartolomeo in the long run. You doubted anything could help these men but you let him think that anyway.

What was left of the bodies was stored in a fridge in the abandoned building according to him. They'd found a way to piggyback off of a neighboring buildings electricity to keep it running. He was also able to confirm everything you'd discovered about their killings, methods of moving throughout the city, and even the next victim. You and Smoker were right, Bellamy was supposed to be next. When he was still part of a rough crowd, he'd gotten into a couple unofficial fights with Luffy and that didn't sit right with Bartolomeo apparently.

When you were finally finished with Gambia, a couple hours had passed. The cameras in the room recorded both video and audio so you didn't doubt that Akainu got everything he needed from that. But you also still expected more officers to go in and question him. You'd pretty much gotten a full confession from him though. He was done, probably looking at life in prison.

When you left the stifling room you broke into a grin when you saw Smoker. He looked a little scuffed up but otherwise, fine. In front of him was the cannibal himself. His hands were cuffed behind his back, face bloody and his nose looked a little crooked. The wild green hair that was probably carefully styled before hung limply in his face. There was a blazing rage in his eyes and when they met yours, you knew he had a pretty good idea who found him.

"I swear I'll kill you for this you bitch!" He snarled as Smoker pushed him along. It came out kind of nasally. A busted up face will do that to you.

"Sure thing buddy." The strong coppery smell of blood surrounded him as he passed you by, flashing abnormally sharp teeth in your direction.

"I'll be done in a moment." Smoker said as he nodded to you.

This was good. Everything was done so fast and now you were finally begining to relax. Seeing Bartolomeo put you on edge a bit but everything was done. For now at least. You'd have to go to court for all this soon enough but until then, you'd be taking a break from work.

While waiting for Smoker to finish up his part, you went to the break room for coffee and found Tashigi already there. The two of you sat together and talked about nothing in particular. Neither of you were keen on talking about work for the moment. The building was full of officers hustling so you contented yourself with watching them to pass the time while chatting. Everyone who had heard the news of the cannibal's capture was alive with excitement and it was strangely comforting. Your job was done after all.

A few came by to congratulate you two on a job well done but they didn't linger long. In a city like this, there was always work to be done. Smoker said he'd just be a moment but he didn't come find you until an hour later. By that time the sun was out and the morning heat was really beginning to roll in. The building's air conditioners soldiered on to keep the area cool despite the masses of bodies coming and going.

"Ready to go?" He asked, giving Tashigi a slight wave as a greeting.

"Yep. See you around Tashigi."

The second the two of you got out to his car, you sighed, sinking down into the seat. Smoker chuckled as he started the vehicle and tried to get the AC going. It was putting out warm air but it'd cool off soon enough.

"So I heard you jumped out a window to catch Gambia." He started. Of course you'd have to swap stories from the work that night.

"Yep, it was totally worth it." You showed off your bandaged forearms like they were trophies.

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