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It had been a very long time since you'd slept with someone. Even longer since you woke up in the same bed as them. And even longer than that since you woke up with someone in the same bed intentionally. Yeah. This was good.

Smoker was already awake, scrolling through his phone while running his thumb along your brows. The action was soothing and it was the kind of intimate touch you hadn't had since your parents died. Of course he felt your eyes on him and stopped, much to your disappointment.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." He smiled and greeted you.

"Did we really sleep that long?" You scooted closer until your head rested on his chest. He got the hint that you didn't want him to stop touching you when you dragged his arm around your waist.

"All through yesterday afternoon and last night." He said, putting his phone down to give you his full attention.

"It's been a crazy couple days." You let out a content groan as he rubbed along your side.

"It has." Smoker agreed. "So how about that date?"

"Today?" You asked, voice full of hope.

Sure you didn't have any more work for a bit, but you figured he'd have to get right back at it. This'd be a real treat if he didn't.

"I'll have to go in and talk with Akainu, but yeah. We could use some time together that doesn't involve work.'

"You could say that again."

You groaned. You needed to call Dragon and let him know the job was done and you'd be taking a little vacation. He wouldn't mind it being so soon but you really should've done this yesterday. Can't say your regretted having wait though. The time spent with Smoker was well worth it.

"I'm going to have to head home for a bit too. Gotta make a couple calls and get readjusted there since Bartolomeo is taken care of."

"I'll drop you off on my way to the station then." Smoker said, grabbing your chin and tugging you up for a kiss.

"Sounds like a plan."


You stopped for breakfast and ate happily on the car ride home. You missed your little place and were more than excited to get set back up there. Not to say you didn't enjoy spending so much time with Smoker at his condo, but it wasn't your home. And while you two were unofficially an item now, you weren't one to jump into doing crazy things with your partners.

No suddenly moving in together or professing your undying love after spending one night together. Nope. You liked to take it nice and slow. Stability was the name of the game and nothing made you more comfortable that a well paced relationship. Smoker and you hadn't talked about how things were going to work between the two of you but you'd get there soon enough. Maybe after going on the date.

He dropped you off at your place and drove off with a wave, sure you'd have no problem making it in the house by yourself. Your arms were pretty full but he knew you liked being able to take care of yourself without help all the time. He was a smart man.

You walked up to your front door and set your bags down, glancing at the photo of you and your parents on top carefully. Right as you went to unlock the door, Buggy popped out of his house with a hardly concealed smile. He was happy to see you back.

"Hiya (Y/n), the job done?" He asked gruffly, trying to appear as casual as possible. He wasn't good at it but the effort was there.

"Yep. I can't really give out any details but I can promise he's behind bars as we speak." You said confidently. Bragging wasn't your thing but it wasn't everyday you got to say you'd helped catch a cannibal.

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