Case Closed

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You debated shoving the other knife through his free hand so he'd be pinned but that felt like it'd be going a little too far. He may deserve that much but something like that wasn't for you to decide. Something had to be done soon though. His breathing was relaxing and you could see him beginning to return from his daze.

Your phone was close by, but not close enough to grab. It had fallen to the floor from the initial scuffle but you didn't think it could help you at this point. The police had to be on their way already, it was a matter of keeping Bartolomeo under control until they got here.

"You look pretty like that." He chuckled as you pinned his free hand under your knee.

"What? With me on top?" You shot back as you pressed the knife against his neck a bit to remind him who was in charge.

"That, and all the blood on ya. I like it." He grinned, making your stomach do somersaults in disgust. Maybe straddling him wasn't the best idea.

"Nice to know someone is getting a kick out of all this."

"Oh very much. I didn't think someone as small as you could actually have some real fight in them. It's refreshing." His fingers twitched against the knife lodged in his palm. Blood had pooled under the wound and it wasn't looking too good. You didn't feel much better. As each second passed, you felt more and more like you were going to fall over from blood loss.

"I surprise a lot of people with that." You kept the conversation going even if you didn't want to. It was something to focus on and it kept him busy.

"Is that so?"

His fingers twitched again and your eyes widened at you realized he was slowly wiggling the knife up and out of the floor. You quickly grabbed it by the handle and held it in place. It stopped him from trying to move that hand but you had to lean over to do it, releasing his other one from under your knee.

It was enough for him to shove you off and yank his hand from the floor, knife and all. You slashed at him but were too unsteady to hit. Instead, he straddled you and gripped your hand hard. The longer you refused to let it go, the more force he used until you were afraid he'd start breaking bones. It was bad enough to be back in a compromising position, a ruined hand wouldn't help you any.

You let go and the blade fell to the floor with a small clatter. The relief was immediate when he relaxed his hold on you, but it didn't last long. Bartolomeo had caught sight of your old scars through your shirt and giggled to himself as he started carving over them. It took everything you had to grit your teeth and not scream as he went along each one.

He had started with the small ones he found along your belly. The little nicks from bullets and knives in the past. But when he saw the ones Kuro left, he was beside himself with glee.

"Those are impressive." He whistled and lifted your shirt up to see how far they went. "You're one tough bitch, that's for sure."

You worked up enough saliva to spit in his face. It wasn't smart but you were pissed, tired, and in a lot of pain. He wiped it off with a frown.

"Now that's not very lady like."

He bent over you, ruined hand holding your wrists above your head as he dug his knife into the first big scar. You let out a scream as it raked across your ribs. He didn't stop until he hit the hem of your pants.

"Did you make that much noise the first time you got that mark?" He asked as you tried to catch your breath. "Were you just as loud for the other two?"

He started on the second one, giving it the same treatment. By the time he was halfway through the third, you were having a hard time focusing on any one thing.

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