Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

As usual, David left for work before me. We sleep in seperate rooms. So, it's hard for me to know what time he actually leaves.

All I know is that he owns multiple luxury cars and drives to work. Yet, the jerk won't even lend me a ride.

I have to either take a cab or the subways on days where I don't need to rush. We live in a penthouse that has a spectacular view over New York City.

But, it gets pretty lonely when only two of us live here alone. And worst, when David pretends like I don't exist in this house. I tried calling my parents but I couldn't get through to them. They must have either changed their numbers or blocked me for good. Most of my friends have alienated me as they think I'm just another "gold digger".

In our first year of marriage, I used to lock myself in my room and cry for hours after David and I would get into huge arguments about how we have made each other's lives a living hell.
He could be extremely brutal with his words. It was exhausting and pointless to fight with each other over what had already transpired.

Instead of getting on each other's nerves, we progressively started to ignore each other at home. Since communication was inevitable at work,  we just kept it professional and minimal as possible.

After my long and cramped subway ride to work, I finally reached my office. I received the same sneering stares from my co-workers as I walked up to my cubicle. Before everything went downhill, my colleagues adored me and we got along well with each other. Now, it's a different story.

Stop overthinking!

I should just stop thinking about what happened and start moving forward. Though it's been two years, it still feels like it happened yesterday. Anyways, I wasn't planning on letting anything to ruin my day. Not even David. I was excited to meet Harish and start work as his secretary. I looked at my watch. He should have arrived by now and was probably in David's office.

As expected, my desk phone rang.

"Come to my office. And, bring along the thumbdrive I gave you ", David said in his professional, clipped tone and hung up his phone.

I walked over to his office and knocked on the door before stepping in.

And there he was. Harish Raj. David's first cousin. He was the son of David's maternal aunty, his mom's sister. He looked more muscular and well-built as compared to the last time I saw him. He spotted a thicker beard than David's too. A radiant smile appeared on his face as soon as he saw me.

"Emma! How are you?", he brought me in for a warm hug.

"I'm fine. How about you?", I asked.

"Take a look at me. I look fine, don't I?", he spread his hands out and wiggled his eyebrows playfully. I couldn't help but laugh. His jovial and carefree attitude was infectious.

"Yes, you look great!", I giggled.

David cleared his throat to get our attention. Harish and I looked over at him. He didn't look pleased at all.

"I didn't call both of you to my office to flirt with each other.", he said with a stern voice.

"Wow relax dude, you can't even handle your wife giving me a compliment. Grow some balls man!", Harish chuckled and I joined in too.

David's eyes narrowed at me in a threatening manner and my laughter ceased automatically. Something about the way he stared at me meant that I was in trouble later. Harish must have noticed it too.

"David, come on, I was just joking. You don't have to get all serious right now. Cool down alright", Harish tried to calm him and dissolve the tension that was palpable in the room.

"I don't have the f**ucking time to waste on both of you! I suggest that both of you save your chit chat session for another time outside of this office. Right now, I want both of you to focus and listen to what I have planned for our business division. Is that clear?", David snapped at both of us impatiently.

What the hell was his problem? Did someone shove a stick up his a**?

"Alright alright, we're all ears.", Harish raised his hands up in surrender.

Great, way to ruin our happy mood! If I were Harish, I would have punched David right in his face and walked out of here. I would have done the same long ago, if only I wasn't bound by the stupid contract...

What I was most curious about was why would Harish even accept an opportunity to work under David? I get that Anders Cooperation is a prestigious company to work for and people would literally kill for a job here. However, working for David is no easy task. It's like walking into a lion's den. I hope he knows what he has gotten himself into.

It didn't take long for David to briefly go through with us on our responsibilities and about our new assignment.

"That will be all for now. Emma, I want you to introduce Harish to our staff and get him oriented with them. After which, both of you can start work on your assignment", David handed me some documents pertaining to our assignment.

Just as Harish and I were about to leave, there was a loud knock on the other side of the door.

"Come in.", David called for the person to enter.

What I didn't know was that I was in for a rude shock...

Hi guys!

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.

What do you guys think about Harish's character? Do you like him? Let me know your thoughts about this chapter in the comment section below.

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Thanks for reading bye! 😊

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