Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

Her blonde hair was immaculately styled into a high ponytail that highlighted her high cheekbones and she was dressed in a tight fitted dress that showcased her svelte figure.

Omg...Sophia...Sophia Turner?

It was her. I was meeting her in person for the first time.

I had seen her in newspapers and magazines the arms of David. She was his ex-girlfriend.

They had been hounded and photographed numerous times by the paparazzi back when they were still a couple.

Back then, she was a popular model and it was no suprise that she caught David's eye. They were the "IT" couple. Sophia was his last real girlfriend before he married me. They dated for about two years, which is a record in itself for David as he was a playboy and a serial dater. No one knew exactly why they split. And, right after their breakup, Sophia left the modelling world abruptly.

It was rather odd but many presumed that she didn't take the breakup well and needed a hiatus. It was a long break indeed. It's been three years since she has made any public appearance.

"Hi David!", she rushed in to give David a big warm hug. They held onto each other far too long.

"Sophia, it's so good to see you again!", David pulled back and smiled at her endearingly. There was a twinkle of warmth and happiness in his eyes...which was never there when he looked at me. It seemed like both of them had forgotten that Harish and I were still in the room with them.

Harish was the first one to snap both of them out of their reverie.

"Hi Sophia, I'm David's cousin. It's nice to meet you!", Harish stepped forward and extended his hand to shake hers.

"It's nice to meet you too! I have heard alot about you from David. Congratulations on your director post.", she flashed him a million dollar smile.

Something about the way she smiled seemed contrived and disingenuous.

"Well, I hope he told you good things about me.", Harish laughed along with David and Sophia.

I felt even more invisible than I had before. All of them were conversing happily with each other while I stood there being ignored.

David's eyes flickered to me for a brief moment, as though he sensed my uneasiness.

"Umm Sophia, this is Emma. She's...she's...", David stammered. It was so unlike of him to be lost for words.

"Oh, I know. You must be David's wife.", she purred as she walked up to me.

She extended her hand to shake mine and I willingly placed my hand in hers.

"It's nice to meet you, Emma.", she squeezed my hand way harder than necessary and gazed at me with a malicious glint in her eyes.

This b*tch!

I knew she was up to no good the moment she walked in. There was nothing I could do but to force a smile at her.

Great...just great!

I already had my plate full with having to deal with David's torture and now I had to deal with Sophia too! What a way to spoil my day!

"By the way, you look very familiar Sophia. Were you by any chance modelling?", Harish stroked his chin in curiousity.

"You hit the nail right on the head. Yeah, I used to model a few years ago until I got into a car accident and suffered a spine injury. I went through a major operation and somehow I survived. But, I couldn't go back to modelling after the accident. I became depressed after the accident and I didn't really do anything for a while. I had to seek treatment and I did get well. That's when I decided to start afresh. Somehow or rather, David came to my mind and I contacted him. It was then that he suggested that I work here as his secretary. It's way off from what I did but it's worth the shot... But, I still can't imagine what would have happened if it weren't for the passersbys who found me in the car and helped me in time...I could have died.", Sophia choked back her tears.

David came to her side and squeezed her shoulder. She laid her head against his shoulder and wept uncontrollably.

Seriously! What the hell was going on!

I wanted to roll my eyes so badly but I fought the urge to do so.

"It's okay. You're fine now and that is all that matters.", Harish tried to cheer Sophia up.

If only they could see what a b*tch she was...

"Yes Sophia. Let bygones be bygones. Don't worry everything is going to be alright.", David still held onto her while he tried to pacify her. They looked way too cosy in each other's arms.

It irked and appalled me that David could be this coyingly sweet and nice to Sophia but spew hatred and insults at me. It just made me want to puke.

"Yes David, I completely agree with you. Bygones should be bygones. We should all forget, forgive and move on. Am I right, David?", I couldn't stop the words that spilled out of my mouth. I raised my eyebrows at him incredulously and gave him a mocking smile. David shot daggers at me.

I wanted to give David a piece of my mind. He could not be any serious as he was the one who could barely forgive or forget anything that happened between us and is still acting like a petulant child who's candy got stolen from him.

"That's right. But, there's also some things that we should never forget and cherish. That's our good times with the people we love." Sophia glanced at David as she spoke. David smiled back at her affectionately.

Are they flirting with each other?!

At that moment, I felt a pang of jealousy in my stomach. David was never this nice to me. Yet, here he was being so openly flirtatious and lovey-dovey to another woman infront of me. It made my blood boil for no apparent reason.

Stop it Emma!

I chided myself in my head. This was ridiculous. Why was I even bothered by all of this? It's none of my business who he sees and wants to be with. We agreed to an open marriage and that's that. Anyways, Sophia can have him all to herself. After all, a**holes belong with a**holes.

"Alright, I'm going to introduce Sophia to our staff. See you later.", David just said bye to Harish and didn't even bother to glance my way as he left the room with Sophia.

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulder once they left.

"You look relieved.", Harish looked at me quizzically.

Shit...does he know?

" can be hard to be around David during work. He's always stressed and uptight. I always get tensed around him due to this.", I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, I get what you mean. It can be hard to be around David...especially when he's f**king another woman."

Omg...he knows...

Hi guys!

Happy Valentines Day to all of you ❤

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