Chapter 7

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David's POV

"Why won't you answer your f**king phone. God dammit!", I cursed under my breath as I drove to office.

It's been two days since Emma came back home and she's refused to respond to any of my calls or messages. I knew she was pissed off with me and she had every right to be.

I didn’t mean to sleep with Sophia. It just happened. We had just finished our business meeting and I had invited her over to my place to discuss further about our new business venture. It was a huge mistake.

It was Sophia who kissed me first. I tried very hard to resist her.

But, I kept thinking of Emma.

I imagined her as Emma.

I felt appalled with myself for even thinking about her. I despised her. But, I couldn’t help myself. I always thought about what it would feel like to devour her thick full-set lips, kissing every inch of her body and have her cry out with pleasure in my arms.

I felt like a moth drawn to fire. I wanted to have her but I was always reminded about how she had ruined my life that faithful day.

I remembered waking up next to her on a spare bed in the basement that day.

No one was there except for both of us. Both of our clothes were strewn around us and were only left in our undergarments.

I woke up disoriented and had no recollection of how I ended up there. I was shocked beyond reason when I found Emma next to me.

She was more disoriented than I was. She was mumbling incoherent words when I tried to shake her awake. It looked as though she was heavily intoxicated or even drugged. It took quite some time for her to regain consciousness.

And when she did, she was hysterical. She balled her eyes out and I had to tell her to keep it down, as I didn’t want anyone finding us together.

I dressed her and myself as fast I could, despite Emma’s weak protest. When we sneaked out of the basement, I realised it was already dawn. Many guests who attended the party were lying around in their drunken states, including the host. I took this opportunity to drive away from the house with Emma as fast as I could.

I wanted to kick myself for letting this happen. I wondered if anyone saw us together. I had a reputation to behold. I couldn’t risk losing business contracts over an "affair" with my intern. I had worked hard to establish my company as one of the best and I wasn’t going to let anything ruin that.

Once we reached my place, I confronted her about what happened.

“Tell me what happened at the party?”, I demanded, getting straight to the point.

“Sir, I…I…don’t know.”, she stammered and looked at me with a petrified expression.

“What do you mean you don’t know" I yelled at her.

She cowered in fear as I stepped towards her menacingly.

I grabbed her arms forcefully and pulled her towards me. Her body was covered in sweat and she was trembling uncontrollably.

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