Chapter 8

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David's POV

My heart thumped violently when I caught sight of her.

I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat as my eyes skimmed her from head to toe.

I still couldn't believe that it was her. She looked completely different, almost unrecognisable.

This wasn't the same Emma I had grown accustomed to. She wasn't the awkward, shabbily dressed girl I knew. Instead, the Emma I saw now had transformed into a woman.

Her usual untamed, frizzy brown hair was curled and let loose. They had brown highlights running through them, which accentuated her delicate features.

Her eyes were rimmed with eyeliner and she had long lashes that made her eyes more striking than ever. She wore a deep red colour on her lips, which I could hardly resist looking at and made me want to devour them.

That was not all.

The black dress she wore showcased her ample cleaveage and hugged every inch of her body. I never knew she was this curvaceous. The clothes she normally wore never did justice to her body.

On top of that, she wore heels that highlighted her long, smooth legs.

As I stood there, mesmerised by her, I hadn't noticed that I wasn't the only one gawking at her. All the employees in the office, men and women alike, were admiring her as they cheered and whistled away.

However, she didn't seem to care or pay attention to any of them.

Instead, her gaze landed on me. I found myself spellbound, almost in a trance like state as I watched her walk towards me. I stood rooted to the ground, in anticipation for her to come closer to me.

I couldn't resist looking at the way her hips swayed deliciously as she took each step towards me. Eventually, she reached me. But before I could utter a word, she brushed past me and walked into Harish's cabin.

What the hell!

A few sniggers erupted among the employees after they noticed how Emma ignored me.

"Quiet! Everyone get back to work!" I roared and everyone scrambled back to their seats.

I felt my blood boiling within me. How dare she disrespect me, especially infront of the employees?

I knew Harish wasn't in yet. I stormed into his room and saw Emma seated quietly in her desk.

"Where the hell were you?", I demanded.

She pretended not to hear me and continued to sift through the document pile on her desk.

"I asked you a question, Emma! Where the hell were you over the weekend?", I hissed through my teeth, careful not to raise to my voice and draw further attention to us.

"I believe that is none of your concern.", she replied nonchalantly, without looking up from her documents.

That was all it took to lose my cool and sent my temper flying through the roof.

I slammed her table with both my hands and she jumped from her seat in fright.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", she seethed in anger.

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