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holy shit it's the boys


pretending , she excitedly jumped and wrapped her arms hugging shocked taehyun in front of her. taehyun awkwardly hugged her back.

"noona! we miss you!" huening kai exclaimed after pulling away the hug from hyejun after she finished with taehyun.

"i miss you too but i can't talk right now with you. i need some space with hyerin! bye!"

she quickly leaved the hallway while linking arms with hyerin , dragging her away. fortunately, their next class will start in around 5 minutes so they decided to enter early.

she pushed hyerin inside and stomps to her desk. she sat and buries her face in her hands. hyerin inched closed and sat next to her.

"yah , what's wrong? it's just huening kai and taehyun." hyerin complained.

she lifted her head and glared at hyerin. she backed away from hyejun as she knows she's frustrated. her facial expression sent so.

"it's just.." hyejun continued , " i don't want to get involve with their group again."

she leaned back and crossed her arms. she glanced at hyerin who's scratching the back of her neck.

"i'm afraid you can't because they're are in all of our classes. you'll be seeing them a lot , try to be nice with them , okay?" hyerin convinced , patting her head.

she sighed , resting her head on the table.

[time skip]

"i'll be partnering you up for today's project."

hearing her teacher informed , she ran her finger through her hair in frustration.

today was so not her day.

all students in the classroom fix their gazes to the teacher taking out a transparent box. it had few black and red papers inside.

"now , here's the rules. i will only call the boys name . come in front and take a piece of paper randomly. keep it with you until everyone's finished then i'll set you up with your partner."

the teacher ordered. after that , she randomly called out names using the name list she kept with her.

as time goes by , a few boys left including the new students themselves .

"hey , can you imagine if you're partnering up with your ex?"

hyejun looked at her friend and throws a disgusted look. hyerin smiled , teasing her with a peace sign.

"let's not hope for that." she rolled her eyes.

"choi yeonjun?"

at last , his name finally appeared. she watched him walks to the front and dropped his hand inside the box , taking a piece of paper.

he picked a black paper and nervously openedbit. he peeked at their desk and his eyes met hyejun's. he put on a blank face and came back to his seat.

"coward." she mumbles.


"so , everyone's finally done. girls are waiting for you boys now go , take a seat beside your partner!"

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