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"yeonjun ? what are you doing here ?"

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"yeonjun ? what are you doing here ?"

a voice budges in causing the two figures instantly look at the figure standing at the door. hyejun quickly pushes yeonjun out of her way and run away.

"beomgyu-ah , can you take me home ?"

beomgyu releases his gaze on yeonjun and narrows his eyes to hyejun. "that's why i'm here anyway. let's go." beomgyu says as he snakes his hand on hyejun's waist leading her outside the classroom.

meanwhile , yeonjun with anger on his face punches the wall beside him. luckily, the wall maintains it's surface but that doesn't matter for yeonjun.

"game on ." , he mutters. with a sinister smirk on his face , he exits the class while thinking of other plans.


"why was yeonjun with you and his hands were trapping you against the wall ?"  beomgyu starts to question while driving his car.

"a-actually , he tripped onto a stone and h-his hands suddenly opened in that way." hyejun lies , sipping her apple juice from her water bottle.

"then , why was yeonjun in the class ?"

another question strikes her. her breathing hitches and she turns to see beomgyu who's chuckling out of nowhere.

"what's so funny?" hyejun asks sounding irritated.

"you're a terrible liar , hyejun-ah." beomgyu firmly says then glances at the girl. she looks away and plays with her fingers.

"is he trying to get back with you?"

hyejun blinks then stops twisting her fingers. she let out a sigh and scratches her palm.

"kinda. he suddenly acts nice around me whereas every time he would always send glares at me."

beomgyu runs his fingers through his hair. "you better watch out for him. last night , we heard he laughed alone in his room." he advices.

"oh , okay. i think it's best if you're with me." hyejun reassures. "can we try pranking yeonjun by acting like we're a couple? i want him to learn his lessons."

beomgyu blinks before parking his car at the roadside. he turns facing hyejun directly with a frown on his face.

"seriously? that's your plan ?" beomgyu frowns.

"just for a week , can you?" hyejun pleads , gripping her hands tightly as in she's somehow praying.

beomgyu sighs deeply then nods. hyejun smiles widely and takes off her seatbelt. "thanks for the ride , boyfriend~" , she winks at the guy and closes the door.

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