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the book is coming to an end :(

Shortly after 15 minutes , Taehyun parked the car and he aggressively walked out , heading straight to the police station

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Shortly after 15 minutes , Taehyun parked the car and he aggressively walked out , heading straight to the police station. Beomgyu followed him while ruffling his hair in frustration.

Taehyun entered the station and the atmosphere was calm and quiet. He spotted two policemen were talking to each other at the corner and he wasted no time to walk there.

"Sir , I'm here to lodge a report." Taehyun stated.

They looked at Taehyun and sighed. "Okay , kid. Whatever it is." One of the policemen replied and showed him the way.

Until , gunshot was blasted.

Beomgyu and Taehyun immediately ducked themselves down. As for the officer , he was shot and so was most of them.

Beomgyu tried to peek the sniper when another gunshot was blasted and this time , it was directly hit at his ankle. He screamed in pain and Taehyun quickly rushed to his side.

"Taehyun-ah! It's b-bleeding!" Beomgyu winced.

"I'm not blind , Beom!" Taehyun responded, his voice was slightly raised. He saw a box of tissue beside him and tried to reach out as it was quite far.

Then , another gunshot was pulled and it hit Taehyun's left shoulder. He hissed and fall back on Beomgyu while holding his injured shoulder.

"Who the fuck!" Taehyun shouted.

Not long after , Beomgyu and Taehyun both saw silhouettes coming from their opposite side. Beomgyu tried to reach the tissue for Taehyun but failed when the pain started to become unbearable.

"I didn't expect to meet you two here."

Taehyun looked up and saw , Yeonjun.

His eyes were burning with anger when he saw Hoseok was beside him holding a gun. Beomgyu backed away and hid himself behind Taehyun.

"The fuck are you doing here? Searching for manners?" Taehyun asked , sarcastically.

Yeonjun laughed and gently hit Hoseok's elbow as it was one of his signal for him.

Hoseok then aimed the gun to Taehyun and shot him at the stomach. Taehyun again screamed and in the end , he was laying on the ground.

"We need both of you as my test subjects. Care to follow me home?" Yeonjun asked , his voice was now slow and polite.

"Fuck off!" Taehyun barked , holding onto his bleeding spots. Yeonjun took Hoseok's gun and pointed at Taehyun's chest now.

"Yeonjun , what are you—"

"Drag him to my car and he'll survive. If not , then I'll shoot here , right here and right now."

Yeonjun interrupted Beomgyu and reloaded his gun. Beomgyu was hesitating and he became more terrified when Hoseok took out another gun from his waistband and aimed at him.

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