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"i think we should head back

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"i think we should head back."

"no , not this time." hyerin resisted , taking hyejun's hand. "we've come far enough. let's just go inside and act dumb."

she dragged hyejun inside ignoring hyejun's complaints. once they entered , their eardrums were ripped as the music was too loud.

hyejun takes her other hand and closes her left ear although she can still hears musics. she scans her the club and finds the group , sitting at the corner

"so , what's your plan girlfriend~?" hyerin nudges her shoulder.

hyejun gives an annoyed look. she gestures at the empty table to her friend and they head there , sits-leg crossed.

"i'll go get us some drinks."

hyerin addresses , before leaving hyejun alone. she rests her head by supporting it using her left hand. her eyes maintains at the group which's giggling with each other.

until , her eyes meets with soobin.

she quickly adjusts her gaze but he didn't show no mercy. he stands up making the others questioning him as he directly walks to hyejun.

please please , god help me.

she prays inside , closing her eyes. suddenly, she feels someone pats her shoulder and she slowly turns around.

"h-hi , soobin!" , she stutters.

"hey , hyejun! you're alone?" soobin asks , taking a seat in front of her.

"ah no , i'm here with a friend."

she points at hyerin who's talking with a random guy at the bar section. as the conversation goes on , she pulls him in and locks their lips.

hyejun drops her hand and scratches her neck , feeling slightly embarrassed showing him her friend unexpected behavior. soobin chuckles , causing hyejun to stare at him.

"i bet your friend is "busy". why don't you come and sit with us?"

hyejun's eyes shakily moves. she looks away , seeing taehyun waving his hands gesturing hyejun to join them. she smiles at him and looks back at soobin.

"you promised meee~"
"okay! okay!"

soobin cheers then stands up immediately pulling hyejun with him. he drags her until they reaches his group table and let go her hands freely.

"hi boys , someone will be joining us tonight."

soobin places his hand on hyejun's shoulder pulling her closer to his body. she feels awkward as it's been years since she felt this sudden contact came from a guy.

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