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The next day , Hyejun found herself in Beomgyu's arm

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The next day , Hyejun found herself in Beomgyu's arm. She was hugging him lovingly just like how a couple should be.

In Beomgyu's room , obviously.

Hyejun was terrified of the dark so in exchange Beomgyu let she slept with him. He was not yet ready to make love with her.

"You're awake?" Beomgyu's soft voice made Hyejun lifted up her head. "My arm starting to get hurt. Your head is heavy though."

Hyejun didn't like the sound of that so she stood up and walked outside ignoring Beomgyu were screaming her name. She walked straight to the kitchen and poured warm water on a glass.

Just as she was about to drink , she heard footsteps nearby where she was. She hesitantly put down the glass and grabbed a knife to guard herself.


"Soobin?" She placed down the knife , relief. "What are you doing here?" She asked at him who's taking steps to her.

"Today's my turn to prepare breakfast." Soobin smiled , showing his dimples. "And you?"

Hyejun awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm kinda thirsty and I need to drink water when I woke up." She explained while Soobin walked beside her.

"Wanna help me make pancakes?" Soobin asked , taking out the frying pan. "I could need some help."

Hyejun smiled. "Sure , but can you teach me?"

[ ★彡★彡★彡 ]

His phone rang and Hoseok lazily reached out the gadget and answered the call.

"Yoongi , I'll be at your bed this night."

He smiled but it faded away as soon as he heard a dark chuckle came from the other side of phone. He looked back at the caller ID and gasped.

"Aww , someone had a date tonight." Yeonjun sounded sweet. "Guess what? Stop dreaming."

Hoseok gulped. "Sorry , Yeonjun... what can I help?"

Yeonjun giggled. "Well , there's someone you need to kill tonight." Hoseok sighed , standing up from his king-sized bed.

"Again? Aren't you sick of killing people?" Hoseok slightly raised his voice. "If this's about an innocent human being , I'm not going to do it."

Yeonjun again chuckled but then the chuckle didn't last long. Hoseok was terrified when he heard a guy shrieked on the phone.

"W-What are you doing , Yeonjun?!" Hoseok yelled through the phone. He then heard the same guy but this time he was crying in pain.

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