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"Where's Beomgyu? What took him so long to get some groceries?" Taehyun sounded irritated while holding the newspaper he was reading.

"He'll be back , don't worry. I know you missed him." Soobin teased.

"Who in the world will miss a nerd like him?" Taehyun rolled his eyes.

Huening Kai who's watching them from afar was entertained by their silly behaviour. He was playing with his stuff bear and plushies that was surrounding around him.

Soobin took a quick glance at him and stood up , heading to the seat next to him.

"Yah , any news?" Soobin asked , head facing straight to his friend.

"No , there's no witnesses according to the police. They also said that there were no fingerprints on the knife that was stabbed on Hyerin's body." Huening Kai informed while looking through his phone.

He showed Soobin a picture of Hyerin's lifeless body. Soobin gasped , she was looking so horrible and painfully been stabbed at the chest. Soobin let out a deep sigh and gave back the phone to Kai.

"Hyerin was innocent , how can she be killed?"

Soobin rubbed his temple , regretfully. Huening Kai remained silent in the midst of liking a photo from an account he followed on Instagram.

"What are you two discussing?" Taehyun budged in.

Soobin shook his head. "It's about Hyerin's case. We had no clue on how or why she was killed." He stated.

"Does Hyejun knows about this?" Huening Kai interrupted. Soobin turned around and nodded.

"We're home!"

Soobin looked up and saw Beomgyu , entering the main door. "Finally , you're here! What took you so long ?" He asked , resting his chin on his right fist.

Beomgyu moved a little bit further and there she was, Hyejun walking inside with a bag of groceries on her hands. Soobin's eyes widened and his fist slipped away causing him to fall on the ground,

"Yah , hyung!" Taehyun shouted in shock. "The fuck are you on the ground?!'

Taehyun followed Soobin's eyes and jumped back on the couch behind him. Hyejun giggled and so was Beomgyu. Huening Kai glanced at the two and continued scrolling on his phone.

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