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sorry for the long wait ! enjoy reading <3

Hyejun and Beomgyu got home around twelve which means midnight

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Hyejun and Beomgyu got home around twelve which means midnight. Once they stepped inside the house , Taehyun was walking back and forth in the living room.

Hyejun's gaze adverted on Yeonjun who's laughing while in a call with someone. Beomgyu rushed to Taehyun soon after.

Meanwhile , Huening Kai was sleeping. (😌)

"Taehyun-ah , are you okay?" Beomgyu asked , meeting his eyes with Taehyun's.

"Have you seen Soobin? He's not back yet!"

As Taehyun raised his voice , Yeonjun secretly glanced at the view in front of him and smirked.

"We didn't saw him on our way home." Beomgyu stated. Taehyun was in frustration after hearing his friend's answer.

"Soobin went missing?" Hyejun barged in , stepping a bit closer to the both of them.

"Look , he was supposed to get groceries and he should be back an hour ago!" Taehyun yelled , pushing back his hair.

"Dude , it's raining outside. He must be sheltering himself somewhere." Beomgyu addressed , slightly chuckling.

Taehyun went frustrated so he decided to calm himself down by sitting down on the couch. Hyejun walked to his side and patted his shoulder.

"It's okay , he'll be fine." Hyejun smiled and Taehyun smiled back.

Yeonjun crushed few pages of paper after staring at Hyejun's hand were on Taehyun. His stare was burning with flames and desire to rip Taehyun's shoulder.

"Yeonjun , you okay?"

Beomgyu asked , startling him. "I'm great." Yeonjun responded while standing up. He left the living room shortly and went straight to Huening Kai's room.

"If he's still missing , we'll find him tomorrow asap."

Hyejun comforted Taehyun and shortly , all of them went to their own bedrooms.


Once morning rise up  , Taehyun's scream woke everyone up. Hyejun who was drying her hair had her blow dryer broke into pieces. Beomgyu was still sleeping soundly in his room.

Hyejun came out from her room and walked downstairs. She saw Taehyun was grabbing his hair in frustration and anger at the living room.

"Taehyun-ah!" Hyejun shouted and it gained his attention. He turned around and met his eyes with Hyejun but then he returned back to his position.

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