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stay safe !! happy reading and thanks for 1K <3

stay safe !!  happy reading and thanks for 1K <3

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that night , hyejun cried all night long. once she arrived back at her and hyerin's apartment , she flopped down at the couch and sobbed there.

the next morning , she woke up with puffy red eyes. thankfully, it's Saturday and there's no school for her. she sat at her bed and leaned against the headboard.

"where's hyerin.." her voice sounds so low. she reached out her phone at the table and dialed her friend.

"hi , it's hyerin! please leave your messages—"

the call went straight to voicemail and hyejun straightly ended the call. she looked at the clock in her phone.

{ 8:23 am }

although she's tired , she head to the restroom and took a shower. she feels something wrong but she shrugs it off in the middle of bathing herself.

she was lonely and still sad. the scene from last night was still fresh on her mind. she thought beomgyu could be a trustworthy person but he's just another betrayer.

after finished her morning routine, she went downstairs and sat on the couch on the living room. she turned on the television and it directed to the recent news.

breaking news : a girl , park hyerin , was found stabbed at Raven's Mansion. the mansion was empty and only a dead body of the girl was there.

the remote she was holding dropped instantly to the ground. her hands trembled and she covered her mouth in shock once she saw the screen showed hyerin's condition.

"h-hyerin..." she cried.

just then , her phone rang and she tremblingly answered the call. "h-hello?" she stuttered.

"be happy i let you live. soon , it's your turn."

her hands again trembled. the killer was calling her by her own number. she brought her phone down after the person hung up.

she looked at the screen again when she saw a reflection of a man in all black reflected. she shrieked in shocked and immediately stood up.

a guy was standing behind her all this time. he was wearing black hoodie, pants and masks—all of them was in black. he puts his phone back inside his pocket.

"g-get out from my apartment!!" she yelled earning a chuckle from the guy. he stepped forward and then closer to hyejun. she walked backwards in response.

"w-what are you doing!" she shouted while backing away. she bumped into a wall and the guy urged to her and placed his hands beside her shaky body.

"help me!!" she screamed but that guy was faster to shut her mouth with a cloth. she inhaled and her vision started to get dizzy.

"let go of her!!"

the guy jumped back and the cloth dropped from his hands. he ran to the front door and walked away in rush.

hyejun was about to fall to the ground when a hand helped her to stand. she weakly lifted her head and saw beomgyu's panick expression.

he dragged her to the couch. he set her down and opened the oxygen mask that was placed nearby the couch. he put them on and told her to breath calmly.

"inhale , exhale..." he repeated and hyejun followed his orders. after few minutes , hyejun came back to her senses and was gratefully stable.

she took off the mask and instantly hugged beomgyu. beomgyu flinched but he responded the hug with a pat on her back. he heard her cry and that's when he pulled away.

"don't cry , i'm here." he gave her a warm smile.

being a "caring" boyfriend, he wiped her tears using his sleeves and ruffled her hair playfully. hyejun tried to stand up but beomgyu politely pushed her back.

"i'll go make some hot chocolate for us. you stay here." he again ordered and head towards the kitchen.

[ ☆彡☆彡☆彡 ]

"tch." yeonjun snorted. "come on hyung. if you fail this plan again , i'll not hesitate to slice your sister's neck. mark my words."

hoseok bowed , "i'll not fail you again , sir!"

yeonjun smirked and approached the older. he eyed him from head to toe and grinned. he walked back to his seat and turned around , backing him.

"her only hope was now those four friends but i'll make sure only a person remains."

[ ☆彡☆彡☆彡 ]

"no wonder hyerin didn't come home."

beomgyu sipped his drink and returned his gaze to hyejun. "i'm sorry for your lost." he said and hyejun only could send him a short smile.

"b-beomgyu.." she stuttered while turning her body to face him directly. "i'm sorry for everything, that night i was fooled by the edit as you said. i'm really sorry."

beomgyu giggled , "it's okay , it's hard to be in a relationship even if its fake." hyejun placed down her cup.

"what if we make it official?"

beomgyu nearly choked while drinking his hot chocolate. he faced hyejun , his cheeks turned slight pink.

"i mean , i already feels like it's meant to be together. you're always there whenever i'm in need and i truly adore that type of man." hyejun put a strand of hair behind her ears.

although beomgyu couldn't believe his actions, he did it anyway. once she finished confessing the truth , he leaned in for a short kiss to her red lips.

hyejun was shocked but at the same time , this's what she had been waiting for. she responded to the kiss while kissing him back.

tongues were wrestling , hearts were spinning.

after a while , they pulled back and stared into each other eyes. beomgyu took her hands and clasped them.

"say , what if you move in to our house?"

hyejun was beyond happy. but , her smile slowly faded once she remembered that yeonjun lived together with the four of them.

"he lived there , right?" hyejun took her hands back.

beomgyu shook his head as in a "no". hyejun went blindly confused. he chuckled then pinched both pf her chubby cheeks.

"he's staying with his parents in a different mansion. come on , he's fucking rich what do you expect?"

both of them laughed and in the meantime , ignoring the pair of eyes recording them outside. when he saw both of them head towards the game room , be stopped the camera and sighed.

"he got my little brother too , beomgyu. if only you knew you're in danger."

・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・

hi , i'm back ! thanks for reading!

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