Chapter 1 - Ryoma and basketball?

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Disclaimer! I do not own Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basket, and any of the images I use!

"Speaking Japanese"

"Speaking English"



This takes place at high school, meaning that Ryoma is a freshman.

What if Ryoma used to play basketball as a hobby back in America, and knew Kagami and Himuro? What if Ryoma knew everyone in the Generation of Miracles?

One day when Momo's walking down the streets of Tokyo, Momo sees Ryoma confronting older high schoolers on a basketball court?! Why would the anti-social tennis obsessed tennis player, Ryoma, be at a basketball court and not a tennis court? Momo sees a side of Ryoma that neither himself, Seigaku, Hyotei, and Rikkaidai have ever seen. Momo decides to tell the teams Seigaku, Hyotei, and Rikkaidai about Ryoma and his basketball. They then slowly start to discover the many secrets of Echizen Ryoma.

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Chapter 1 - Ryoma and basketball?

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It was an ordinary day for Momo. Walking down the park with no specific thought about what to do. Momo didn't take his rackets with him, since he didn't feel like playing tennis today.

Momo was walking aimlessly when he heard the faint sound of people shouting. He searched for where the shouting was coming from and ran towards it.

When he arrived, he saw some freshmen and seniors shouting at each other. He went closer to try to get a grip on what the hell they were shouting about.

Momo POV

"We were here first, so we'll have the court!" The little freshman shouted a bit soft.

"Well, now we're here, so YOU freshmen can go out of the court" The senior shouted roughly at the boy while pushing the younger of the two on his shoulder.

'Oi, oi, oi what the hell is that guy doing?' I thought to myself.

"Listen, kid, just get out of the court before things get messy with Saka" The other senior said.

"T-That's not fair! We were here first, so we're staying!" The same freshman shouted nervously.

The senior that pushed the freshman from before, Saka, grabbed the freshman by his collar and lifted him slightly up from the ground. The other freshmen were too frightened to do anything, so they only stood there watching as their friend was about to get beat up.

"This is what you get for messing with me!" The senior said while pulling back his fist ready to throw his punch.

"Hey! Stop that! Let him g-"I shouted as I saw a tennis ball go full speed at the senior, hitting the arm he was holding the boy in.


The senior immediately took his other arm to his injured one, making the freshman fall on his back. He hissed because of the pain while holding his hand, looking around to find out where that ball came from.

I too looked around to search where that tennis ball came from, to see...


- A time pause brought to you by yours truly... Okay, back to the story! -


What is Ryoma doing here? Well, I'm not complaining.

As I look at Ryoma, I see him with his barely visible golden cat-like eyes under his signature white cap, wearing his usual short-sleeved collar shirt and black tennis shorts. He had his tennis bag on the ground beside him as he held one of his rackets with his hand.

Unraveling the Secrets of Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis x Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now