Chapter 7 - Phone call

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Disclaimer! I do not own Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basket, or any of the images I use! I only own my OCs.

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"Speaking Japanese"

"Speaking English"


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Chapter 7 - Phone call

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"Sorry. I didn't know how to tell you goodbye"

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3rd Person POV

"RYOMA!" As much as Ryoma wished that nobody heard that, it was almost impossible to not be able to hear that shout.

"Sorry. You got the wrong number." Ryoma said as monotonously as he could.

"HEY! Don't lie to me! You're in Japan aren't you!" The guy from the other side of the phone said, still pretty loud enough for the others around Ryoma to hear.

"If you knew, why did you call me?" Ryoma said in English fluently as he did spend most of his childhood in America.

Even though they had heard Ryoma speak in English before, it still surprised them how native he sounded.

But then again, he did spend most of his childhood in the US.

Even so, they couldn't help but feel a little more admiration towards Ryoma.

LEAVE FOR JAPAN?!" All of them, including Ryoma, got surprised once again by the sudden outburst.

"Mind your profanity" Ryoma said as he stuffed the last remains of his bento in his mouth.

The others who understood laughed at this, and you could see the two stone- I mean captains cracking a smile.

Most of them could understand most of what Ryoma and the guy was saying, though some had some difficulty understanding.


English was something Daiteku took very seriously as it would be very beneficial especially if they were aiming to become pro sports athletes.

Unraveling the Secrets of Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis x Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now