Chapter 8 - Prince vs Devil

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Disclaimer! I do not own Prince of Tennis, Kuroko no Basket, or any of the images and music I use! I only own my OCs.

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"Speaking Japanese"

"Speaking English"


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Chapter 8 - Prince vs Devil

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"Yeah... You did well too..."

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3rd Person POV

"Game! Echizen and Kirihara! Kirihara to serve!"

Before Ryoma got to react, Kirihara, who was smirking, was already serving with the ball in the air.

"Here... We... GO!"

Kirihara served sharp and fast as the ball hit awfully near Ryoma's foot, who raised his eyebrows a bit of surprise.

"15-love!" Jackal shouted.

".....One more time" Ryoma said as he went back to his position, focusing on Kirihara form and movement.

"Heh... Of course" Kirihara said as he, too, went back to his position and got ready to serve another one.

Ryoma looked closely at Kirihara's serve and highly focused on the ball's spin and path, while his eyes followed the ball from start to finish, observing.



Kirihara served again with a smug look, and just as the ball neared the same place it hit twice, Ryoma took a step back and quickly hit it back fast with body motion and hit the ball to the fall left corner.



Everyone stood there in shock.

They knew that Kirihara had evolved a lot and improved his serve to the point of being able to serve a sharp and fast ace.

Dai, aka the former Rikkaidai regulars, were even more surprised. They, who were the closest ones to see Kirihara progress, were in shock.

Unraveling the Secrets of Echizen Ryoma (Prince of Tennis x Kuroko no Basket)Where stories live. Discover now